Final Selection Part 2

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Sabito Pov:

Another 2 weeks had gone by and that was it. 

"WATER SURFACE SLASH" I finally cut through my boulder. 

I panted and dropped my katana. It was over, a month of complete training and tiresome exercise. I fell to the ground, completely drained out and out of breath. I got back up and went up to the sliced boulder. I reached my hand inside and felt the unusual smooth rock. I turned around and stopped in my track.

"Hello dad" I walked up to him. 

Urakodaki Pov:

It was around 8pm now and I wanted to grab the boys before it gets dark and the demons come out, but as I was about to get Giyuu from his area of the mountain I heard a loud slicing sound coming from Sabito's side. 

I ran as fast as I could to make sure nothing bad happened, as soon as I got there, I found Sabi on the ground panting and the boulder cut in two.

I stood there astounded, he went over the sliced rock and turned back to face me. 

I let out a small chuckle "Wow, good job" I walked up to him and embraced him into a hug. I wanted to continue this, but I then heard another echoed slash. I looked back at Sabito and gave him a nod. 

I smiled to myself when I saw him bolted towards to noise. 

I walked as well because it was starting to get darker fast. I met up with the two boys and I let a heartly laugh when I saw Giyuu as well ended up cutting his boulder, I stood next to a close tree and watched the two embraced each other. They landed with Sabito on top of Giyuu.

I walked up to them and helped them up. "How about we go celebrate in the cottage, it's getting really dark" 

Us three ran down the mountain and made it to the cottage safely. As soon we got back, I told them to go wash up. 

About an hour later, the boys came down with Makomo, we had an unusual big meal than what we regularly have. "Now, let's finally celebrate." 

After dinner, I wanted to give them their masks and 

Sabito and Giyuu walked up to me "Both of us wanted to say thank you, for everything" I stood up and embraced them. "It was my pleasure, and as a former Hashira it is my duty for the future demon slayers" I told them "I cannot believe how fast it took for you to pass, it is remarkable" 

"You both should get a lot of rest; the final selection is in 3 days." 

Sabito went down the corridor to to get to bed. But Giyuu stayed back, I tilted my head in confusion, "yes?"

"I just wanted to thank you, and I know I just did but I really ment it, when you found my 5 years ago, nearly died from the have no idea how much you mean to me, I am so happy that you taught me to become a demon slayer." He walked up to me getting closer and hugged me. I hugged him back him, just holding him. 

This boy has gone through a lot even though at such a young age, orphaned and had to see his older sister murdered in front of him then further sent to his relatives as mental care.

"When you go for the selection, don't die" I ordered him in a stern but cautious voice. I couldn't bear the loss of another student. Especially these two. My son and a boy I basically raised. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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