#17: "Just A Tiger That Earned Her Stripes."

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Here it is! I really am sorry this always takes so long! but like I said, I'm so impressed withhow many people love this story! And I PROMISE it WILL BE FINISHED! Just dont lose hope! 


*A Few Days Later*

                My eyes were closed for a total of an hour, before I heard shrill screaming, yet again. I groaned as I lifted my head off the pillow. It was only about 9 in the afternoon. The crying continued, so I moved to the side, to get up and stand by the bed. “Baby?” I asked, my voice groggy. I looked over to where he lay, sound asleep. “Justin?” I asked. He stirred and looked up at me, “What?” “Grace is hungry…which means that the other two are close behind…help?” He blinked a few times, “Sure, sure.” I nodded and walked out of the room, calling over my shoulder, “I’ll get Grace and go make the formula, you get Lucas and James.” I heard a grunt as a reply and then I opened Grace’s door. After taking her into my arms and placing a soothing kiss on her forehead I headed down the hallway. When I made it to the plush carpet of the living room, I arranged Grace in her swing and moved to the kitchen. I heard Justin make his way down the stairs, but concentrated more on shaking up the formula and sticking the bottle in the microwave. After I punched the numbers and the bottle began to spin I sighed, absentmindedly moving my hands over my stomach and lifting the shirt to feel the stitched skin. I observed the gross stretch marks and long line where they cut me open to retrieve my angels. It was pretty impressive that I could walk, I must have had a good dose of medication before they sent me home. Hands locked around mine, which were still tracing the stretch marks covering my skin. “My body is ruined Jay” I whispered. He thought for a moment, before placing his lips on my cheek, “Your body isn’t ruined, you’re just a tiger who earned her stripes.”

                I stood there in silence for the longest time, relishing the moment of quiet that came before the un-doubtable whimper from the living room. I patted Justin’s hands, which were still resting on my stomach, before walking back to the living room with the bottles in hand. I lowered myself onto the floor in front of the swings. Handing a bottle to Justin I moved to nudge the tips into Grace and Lucas’ mouths. They greatly accepted the food and sucked greedily at them. After the routine was over I smiled. My little family was doing so well. “When are we going to share the love with your fans?” I asked out loud. “Whenever you want…” Justin sighed. He sighs like it's an inconvenience or something. Grace peered up at her father with wonder, as her brothers had already passed out again. “Someone’s looking at you daddy” I smiled. His eyes went from my face to Graces’. He broke out in the most honest smile he possessed, before he leaned to take her tiny hand. “Why so awake Miss Grace?” he asked. She blinked at him, her eyelashes already long and irresistible. Justin moved to prop an arm up on one of his legs, leaving his finger in the grasp of his daughter. Grace proved even more, to have him wrapped tightly around her flawless little finger. “I love you Miss Grace” he breathed. She let out a little giggle, causing both Justin and I to smile. I leaned over onto his shoulder, sighing in complete contentment.

                After putting everyone back to bed, Justin and I moved to our comfortable bed, finally allowed to get some sleep in. I woke up early the next morning, and made my way to check on the triplets, before walking downstairs and making breakfast for the household. I decided on pancakes for Justin and I, and formula for the rest. I don't know how I ever stomached it as a baby, that stuff was REALLY nasty. I flipped the third and fourth pancakes onto a plate when I heard Justin enter the kitchen. “Good morning” I smiled. He came to stand behind me, intentionally pressing his body against mine to reach to the side, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. “Morning” he breathed, placing a kiss on my collarbone. “Are you comfy?” I laughed. He nodded into my back, resting in his current position. I shook my head, spooning more batter into the pan. It sizzled satisfyingly, and Justin took a deep breath in, lifting his nose into the air, “Smells good.” “I would hope as a future wife I could at least cook you a good breakfast” I laughed. He moved away to grab the orange juice from the fridge, then pouring a glass. “I think I’d keep you anyway” he chuckled. “The boys are coming over for some videogames, and mom is coming to talk to you about a possible interview” he added. I nodded, “I better make more food then.” As soon as the words left my mouth the doorbell rang, echoing through the empty hallways and into the kitchen. “I’ll get it” he smiled. “Be sure to include the triplets in the party” I reminded him. He turned, passing me a smile, before exiting the room. I hear the commotion from the other room, which must be “the greeting of the bros” and a few minutes later Pattie walks into the kitchen. “Hey Pattie” I smiled. “Saphire, I hear your making pancakes” she smiled, and then offered to help. I was soon finished with a decent batch. “I’ll get out the plates, go let the boys know” she offered. I nodded and left for the living room.

                When I walked around the corner, my heart almost melted out of my chest, and into a puddle at my feet on the carpet. Yep, that much. Justin, Ryan and Chaz all sat in front of the large flat screen TV that dominated the living room. Each held a Xbox 360 controller, and a baby, in some way. Chaz had a foot on James’ bouncy crib, rocking it up and down steadily. Ryan made sure that his knee hit Lucas’ side-to-side rocker, whenever it showed signs of ceasing. And Justin, the most amazing creature to ever walk the Earth (too much?) was reclined against the back of the sofa his arms creating a v and resting in his lap, to which above inside the V, asleep peacefully on his toned chest, was Grace. If she wasn’t the definition of a daddy’s girl, I didn’t know what was. “Boys?” I asked. They looked back, pausing the game out of habit. I pointed to the kitchen, “Foods ready.” That was all the words I needed to say in order for Chaz and Ryan to take off and disappear into the kitchen. “Reluctant to move, Jay?” I asked, sitting down next to him gently. He looked up at me through his batting eye lashes, “Can I stay here?” I really hoped that the boys would never develop that trait, because it would be impossible to say no to anything. “Ok-“ I started, just as Pattie walked out and stopped short. “No you don’t Miss Saphire! Justin and you both need to eat!” she smiled. Justin stood, lifting Grace with him. He drew a finger softly over her cheek. “Give me the baby, and go eat” she said, reassuringly. He looked resultantly up at her, then to me, and then the kitchen. “Justin, she did raise you quite well” I prodded. He sighed, pressing his lips on her forehead, before handing her over. I laughed, grabbed his hand, and led him in the direction of the kitchen. I heard Grace whimper behind us. Justin tensed and stopped as a reaction, beginning to turn. “Calm down Jay, she’s fine” I whispered. He looked sideways and down at me, before smiling and pulling me into the kitchen. She really had him wrapped around her flawless little finger…in every way humanly possible. Justin was already protective, and having seen the bond, I figured that whatever boy decided to make Grace his, was going to have a very interesting future.


I know its short...im sorry! 

:( I bow my head in shame! 

But I do LOVE you guys!


PS: comment? 

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