The Best Man

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My sister has always been a person who loves to travel. So it's not surprising that she's about to marry a Korean guy. Of whom I know absolutely nothing.

It's 10:30 in the morning, but I still haven't gotten used to the time change, despite the mandatory two-week quarantine in the hotel. I yawn as the hairstylist behind me rolls a strand of hair onto the iron, creating a perfect curl. She says something to me in Korean, looking at me through the mirror, but I don't understand.

Leila, my sister, sitting next to me, responds on my behalf. She obviously speaks excellent Korean, as she has become the CEO of a major skincare brand. From what she's told me, Korean skincare products are the best in the world. She occasionally gives me some masks to try, but since we both return home very rarely, I can't really claim to have perfect skin.

As the maid of honor, everything about me today has to be absolutely perfect. Since seven in the morning, Koreans I've never spoken to have started applying creams, masks, and all sorts of moisturizing products on my face. Different perfumes and textures have penetrated my pores, and now my face feels like a rose petal. However, the makeup is not yet finished, and honestly, I can't wait for this stressful day to end as soon as possible.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that my sister is marrying her soulmate, but I'm not thrilled about spending twenty-four hours in the spotlight as "the sister of the bride" and the maid of honor. I've never liked being the center of attention, but thankfully Leila will attract more attention today.

I look at my sister's reflection in the mirror in front of us. Her eyes are shining as she chats with her hairstylist. I imagine she's talking about her future husband from how she blushes.

I roll my eyes. I'll never understand this kind of love. Not that I'm unaffectionate but let me just say that I put myself first and then others. Except for my sister. For her, I could give my own life.

And here we are, the fateful moment of the walk down the aisle. I'm the first to walk out, and all eyes are on me. I fix my eyes on the arch of flowers in front of me as I begin to walk. I believe they're violets, but honestly, I don't know much about botany. My knowledge of flowers is limited to simple daisies, roses, and tulips. I can at most recognize hydrangeas.

I allow myself to glance at the guy standing in front of me, hands clasped in front of him, an impeccable blue suit with a daisy in the pocket. The daisy is Leila's flower, so I immediately understand that he must be her husband. Moreover, he positioned himself right in front of the aisle, so he must be the groom. Well done, Leila, the guy is not exactly my style, but I have a feeling he's a good person.

I've never been very interested in my sister's husband's appearance, not out of lack of interest, but because I knew she loved him. Also, both of us living in rather distant parts of the world, we rarely see each other, except through video calls. Nationality has never been a problem for our family; so, whoever my sister fell in love with, I would have accepted it anyway. Besides, love is not to be judged unconditionally.

I finally reach the altar and stand right in front of my future brother-in-law. I look at the flowers in my hands, then at the dress that falls to my feet, and notice how the cool wind moves the lilac veil. I've always loved every shade of purple, so my sister consented to have the bridesmaid dress in my preferred colour.

Not knowing where else to look, and not finding the dress particularly interesting to my eyes, I decide to lift my gaze in front of me. But instead of staring at my brother-in-law, this time my gaze goes beyond his shoulders.

I hadn't noticed before, and yet I'm surprised that I didn't. There's another guy behind him, obviously his groomsman. Hard not to notice, with his blue suit, the jacket slightly tight over his absolutely enormous shoulders.

"He's a giant" my first thought; I raise an eyebrow reflexively, as if to judge him.

"I don't like muscular guys".

I realize too late, however, that he's staring at me too. He keeps looking at me, straight in the eyes. I do the same, until a shiver runs down my entire spine. I look away and focus on my sister, who is making her entrance, obviously stunning.

"Don't look at him" I feel the weight of his gaze still on me, but I focus on the ceremony beginning.

Yet, the wind isn't so cold.

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