chapter 2

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i walked down stairs. toby is in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon. hes wearing pants and a apron, he looks so dreamy.

 "hello beautiful." toby said with ac calm voice. "hey." i replied still slightly asleep. toby gave me my food, it took me like 50 minutes to eat it.

 "so are we ever going talk about it or what?" toby asked "talk about what?" i wondered. "for god's sake us!"  he growled.

 "ima need you to take a chill pill like now." i growled back. "ok ok im sorry, i just get really mad when i don't know what to do." he confessed . "toby just breath ok?" "ok."

 after a few minutes i then ask "are u ready to talk about us now?" "yes!"he began to rant about how he feels about me and just sit the hear everything he talking about making sure i don't miss anything 

"alex i think i actually love you like real love your drive me crazy and being your "bestfriend" isn't enough for me i want to be able to kiss your lips, i want to be able to call you mine, and mean it, and i want to not have to hide my jealousy when guys flirt with you, i want you i want to kiss u, i want to be able to be there for you. i love how funny, you are i love you get my jokes, how you care for everyone and everything, how you can be crying and your phone rings and it someone asking for your help or saying they need to vent you help them no matter what happening in your life, i love how you act so tough then i come around and says 1 flirt thing and u fold , i love how you can take 5 shots of vodka like its nothing, how crazy you are,  i love your hair your body your face, your heart,your personality, i love YOU"

 he confessed walking back and forth in my kitchen   i just smile at him  " toby i love you to and i don't just love the fake you everyone else sees i love the fake you and the real you" i give him a big hug "i love you alex" "i love you toby"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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