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Billy Loomis x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon

Halloween 2023 event

Request: Anonymous asked: "If I'm the killer why didn't I kill (Character) when we were alone together?" Billy Loomis with female reader #halloween2023

You turned to see the guy from the store he was staring at you. You knew most of the people at the party but you weren't sure who he was or who would have invited him, at least not without warning the group to a newcomer in the group. His gaze was so intense that you grabbed the nearest friend's arm. Billy turned to snap at whoever had grabbed him but stopped when he saw it was you.

"He looks like a serial killer." You whispered to Billy who looked amused as he looked from you to the guy staring at you.

"His eyes follow you like a creepy painting." Billy muttered. You laughed nervously but gripped his arm tighter. "Watch out he doesn't get you."

You looked up at Billy clearly uncomfortable and he smiled at you. He let you cling to his arm as he pushed through the crowd towards Stu and Tatum. You glanced over your shoulder and jumped a little bit as you saw that you'd been followed.

"Is he following us?" You asked quietly. Billy looked where you were and saw the same guy again.

"Maybe he's that killer the cops said was on the loose." Billy said with a cruel tone and chuckled when you gasped and visibly stiffened. You managed to lose him in the crowd and stuck close to the group. It wasn't until Tatum gave you a ride home and you realised that you'd left your bedroom window wide open all day that you thought back to the creep. There was a sick feeling in your stomach as you rushed to close the window and peered out. You were sure that every shadow was some masked murderer coming for you. Slowly you check each room until you hear the sound of your bedroom window sliding open. You yelled as you grabbed at something leaning against the wall and ran to your room, swinging at whatever it was.

"Ah! Hey! It's just me!" Billy yelled. You stopped and realised that you had closed your eyes in fright and that you were brandishing a broom. Looking at Billy you could see the bump on his head where you'd managed to strike him.

"Sorry! I'm a bit on edge." You said breathlessly. Billy finished climbing into the room and glanced behind him. You saw something move but didn't think anything of it as Billy turned back to you and reached out a hand, gently putting it on your shoulder as he stared at you.

"You aren't going to beat me up again?" He joked and you scoffed.

"I only hit you because you snuck in through my window. Why are you even here?" You asked and Billy sighed.

"I was driving over to Stu's. Saw that creep hanging around down the road. Figured I'd make sure you were ok." Billy said quickly. You nodded slowly and gestured to the living room.

"Well... thanks. To be honest I was a little nervous. Bing out here on my own." You answered. He accepted a can of pop from you as you fetched one from the kitchen and sat in the living room on the sofa as you fiddled with the TV to get it to work. "You... you don't have to stay if you had plans."

"Oh... I could stay for a while. Till you feel better? I just need to make a call if that's ok?" Billy asked. You nodded and pointed out where the phone was. Billy headed into the kitchen to make his call as you flipped through the channels to find something interesting. Billy came back after a few minutes and sat awkwardly at the end of your sofa. The two of you weren't really used to spending time one-on-one. After a few reruns of old shows, there was a banging at the door. You jumped and leapt up while Billy slowly went to see who it was. The door burst open and you screamed as Billy was knocked backwards. You stopped and took a slow, sharp breath in as Syd forced her way in.

"You! You! Get away from (Y/N)!" She yelled at Billy who scrambled to his feet. "You murderer!"

"What?" You asked as you got between them and stopped Syd from throwing one of your mother's vases at Billy.

"Someone down the road was killed. He did it! I know he did." Syd accused. Tatum ran into the house behind her, her brother following.

"Well, he couldn't have done that..." You said quietly. Syd shushed you which made you turn furiously to Tatum and fill her in on what had happened since you last saw her.

"If I'm the killer why didn't I kill (Y/N) when we were alone together?" Billy snapped at Syd who scoffed at him.

"Syd he's been with me almost the entire time I've been home. He must have shown up... maybe five to ten minutes after me." You explained. Dewey cleared his throat and stepped closer to Syd.

"If that's true then Billy couldn't have done it." He said quietly. Billy smiled smugly and raised his eyebrows as Syd growled out a noise of frustration under her breath and stormed out of your house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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