Ice Squad

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Setting: The movie theater of Frozen

Gray: I hated it.

Lyon: I am disgusted.

Ultear: *blinks* It was beautiful.. Her love saved her sister how could you hate it?!

Gray: Ul, how the hell does she know what love is? She locked herself in her room after her parents died...

Ultear: She was afraid.

Gray and Lyon: She was selfish.

Lyon: Its great no one died but I mean she was the one who caused it all.

Gray: Yeah. She created a monster and expected her sister not to get hurt?

Ultear: Elsa is the best ice wielder ever!

Gray: *glares* What bruh?

Lyon: The hell did she just say..?..

Ultear: She knew what true sacrifice was!

Gray: Ya know what would be true sacrifice? If she used a time spell to restore the lives of everyone after dealing a long psychological battle and knowing she'd be using up nearly all her youth and life.

Lyon: That would be beautiful.

Ultear: That's even more selfish! What about her promise to live?!

Gray: It would wonderful.

Lyon: And an ultimate sign of love

Ultear: But wouldnt she die like within a few days?

Gray: Yeah but there's no way a show would kill off a perfectly good transition anatagonist turned protagnist just because a well built group of people were in a small bind that could have simply been solved in an infirmary.

Lyon: Yeah that'd be complete bullshit..

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