Accidental Confessions

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It wasn’t everyday that the eldest brother of the seven was hurt, but upon stumbling into the House of Lamentation on the verge of passing out with several cuts and bruises littering his body, his brothers rightfully panicked upon seeing the sight of him. Lucifer, being too delirious to even process that his brothers had seen him in such a state, attempted to walk past them, which Mammon stopped him, telling him to wait and explain what happened. Upon not receiving an answer from his brother, Mammon looked over his shoulder.

“Satan, do ya know what to do about this?” He asked his younger brother, who simply sighed and shook his head. Mammon bit the inside of his cheek, looking back at their older brother. “Okay, Lucifer, sit down.” The eldest– too out of it to argue with his brother– simply sat down on the floor, his eyes half-lidded in an attempt to stay conscious. His wounds didn’t look all that great, and he likely wouldn’t let his brother’s touch him to get them patched up, however, Beel did try, only to receive a glare from the eldest, while Lucifer may have been too out of it to argue, that wouldn’t stop him from refusing help from his brothers, or anyone for that matter. Satan stepped out of the room for a moment, returning a few minutes later and whispering something to his other brothers, while Lucifer blankly stared at them. He couldn’t hear what he said, nor could he bring himself to care. However, that didn’t stop the younger brothers from getting nervous. Lucifer was bleeding from several of the cuts on his body, there were numerous scrapes and scratches, he looked like he was thrown into the ground with the amount of dirt that was smeared across several of the wounds, his hair was messed up. Overall, he looked like he had been absolutely battered, from whatever hurt him, which he was awfully tight lipped about whatever it was. However, his brothers were worried for him. He needed help, and he can’t patch himself up, not in the condition he’s in currently.

“Lucifer, let us help–” Asmo started before he was cut off by the eldest

“No. I do not need help.” Lucifer said, glaring at the fifth born, who promptly went silent, looking at the other brothers for assistance. Mammon looked away towards the front door as it opened, revealing Lord Diavolo, who’s gaze was immediately stuck on the eldest brother sitting on the floor in the foyer, multiple injuries of various degrees covering his body, some of which having been visible from the tears in his clothes. Diavolo’s eyes glanced at the brothers before he walked over to the eldest, kneeling down beside him. 

“Did you really call Lord Diavolo?” Levi asked, looking at Satan with an odd look.

“Yes, I did. Who else would Lucifer listen to?” Satan said, gesturing to Lucifer, who was now staring blankly at the demon prince. Lucifer attempted to sit up straight but only groaned in pain and continued to slouch, which didn’t feel much better– but better nonetheless. 

“Lucifer, what happened?” Diavolo asked the Avatar of Pride, gazing at him with a concerned look in his eyes. 

“I..” Lucifer trailed off, blinking a couple times, who was he looking at? 

“Lucifer?” Diavolo spoke, eyebrows furrowed, sudden guilt flowed through Diavolo as he realized that this was directly his own fault. He sent Lucifer on that mission, he caused Lucifer to get this hurt, and who knows what could’ve happened to him should’ve he stayed any longer.. He felt so terrible. This truly was his fault. Satan walked over and silently handed Diavolo some bandages and a cleaning solution.

“He’ll let you help.” Satan said, Diavolo looked at Satan, then to Lucifer, then to the medical supplies in the blonde’s hands. Diavolo took them, sitting on his knees and looking at Lucifer. His movements were slow as he tended to each wound, while Lucifer just stared at him as he worked. The demon prince glanced up to meet Lucifer’s eyes.

“I am, so terribly sorry, Lucifer– had I known that this task would injure you, I would have never sent you to do it.” He spoke, his tone just barely above a whisper as he looked back to the injury he was wrapping. 

“Do not apologize. You do not speak for him.” Lucifer stated, which confused everyone in the room. 

“Lucifer, I–”

“No. Shut up.” Lucifer spoke, closing his eyes. Diavolo stared at the Avatar of Pride with a dumbfounded look. It was clear that he wasn’t expecting that. Lucifer grimaced as he went to sit up further. He lazily looked at Diavolo. It was clear he was not in his right mind, nor in a fully conscious state.

“You are not him, I would be able to recognize the very man I am in love with” He slurred out, this admittance of feelings made everyone in the room but Lucifer pause for a moment.

“What..?” Diavolo mumbled, staring at Lucifer. 

“Did.. did he just say that? out loud? In front of everyone?” Mammon asked, looking to each one of his brothers to see if they heard the same thing he did.

“I believe he did.” Satan said, the slightest bit of a smug look on his face. Personally, Satan had been wanting to hear Lucifer admit it that he was in love with Diavolo, and it wasn’t just his proclaimed loyalty to him that made him act the way he did towards him 

“I can’t believe he actually admitted it!” Levi exclaimed, looking up from his D.D.D. in shock. He looked from each one of his brothers, who shared the same look he wore across his face– Complete and utter shock. Who knew the way to get Lucifer to admit his love for Lord Diavolo was to have him become delirious? Certainly not anyone in the room currently. 

“...Let’s get you to your room. You need to rest.” Diavolo spoke finally, helping Lucifer stand on his feet and guiding him to his room. The brothers only silently watched the two disappear into Lucifer’s room, where Diavolo gently laid the other demon in his bed, sitting on the edge. There were so many thoughts running through his head– Yes, he was in love with Lucifer, but was Lucifer truly in love with him, too? Diavolo watched as Lucifer closed his eyes and finally began to rest now that he was in his bed. He was unsure of himself– it was rare that Diavolo found himself in such a position. He was now faced with the weight that the demon who he loved dearly, who he held so close to his heart, was also in love with him. What would others say to him being in such a relationship? One with a demon who once used to be an angel? He was sure there would be outrage, but would he really risk his happiness for the sake of others’ opinions? 

He didn’t want to think about that. Not right now. His priorities lie with Lucifer’s physical well-being right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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