Did I Deserve It ?

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I don't want you back.
I want the apology I deserve, I spent a year and a half thinking about you day and night knowing my place was the spot next to you but now I'm searching the room for an empty seat .
How could you do that to me , leave me just like that without a second thought and no explanation.
They say if you chase two girls you lose the one . You didn't chase any, but lead on 3 .
You said sorry to her , *her name*
You didn't even do anything with her , just told her you loved her and she got a paragraph apology? You spent 3 weeks with her  and she got a paragraph.
You kissed me, hugged me, cuddled me, said you loved me , said you wouldn't trade me for the world and so many thing I can't say and I don't even get an apology? Not even a sorry for the year and half you lead me on saying you're" just not ready yet" but you date her after two weeks ?
Two weeks after you said those words that echoed through my heard for months, made me cry for 4 days day and night , made me lose my appetite for over 4 months.
But she loves you , and I can tell . You better not break her heart , she deserves the world.
I like her, she talked to me and made sure that we were good bc she didn't want to lose another friend because of the drama you had caused. I love talking to her , we are so alike . We both are into crystals, we like tarot , both Capricorns, have the same attitude, older brother that we know a little too much about, love Pomeranians( I have one now). But she's just taller , skinnier, prettier, a better person.
She deserves the world. I used to hate her or at least I thought I was supposed to but she's so nice .
I see her wearing the necklace you got her , a gold guitar.
I hope you treat her well , don't break her heart like you did mine , she doesn't deserve that .

Songs :

-The Story Of Us

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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