Touch-Tone Telephone.

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He stretched, causing his back to crack slightly. He'd just finished another recording session for his lines for ASBR and EOH and had spent the last few hours standing in his home studio. He grabbed the front of his shirt to billow some cool air onto his body. Voice acting studios, even the home ones, didn't have air conditioning or fans in case the noise polluted the audio and potentially ruined a take. Stepping into his air-conditioned living room, he turned his phone back on. He grabbed a pre-mixed can of Dagon Rum and Cola. His phone buzzed, and he saw a text from an unknown number.

*Hi! It's Emma. I'm just texting to make sure this is the right number. Is this Y/N?*

*Hi Emma. Yeah, it's me. How's it going?*

He added her name to the number and threw himself on his couch. He turned on the TV and took a sip from his drink. He channel-surfed for a few minutes until his phone buzzed again.

*Doing okay, thanks. But my throat is kind of sore from yesterday, and I was wondering if you had any advice on how to fix it?*

*Herbal tea and water always help. Also, try to avoid talking to give your voice a bit of a break, and for inflammation, try gargling salt water. It sounds weird, but it works, haha.*

*Haha, I'll give those a try, thanks. How are you doing?*

*I'm doing good. I recorded some lines for another job today, and I'm resting a little.*

He looked back at the TV and saw that the movie Bride of Reanimator had just started and settled on watching that. A few minutes passed, and his phone buzzed again.

*Cool, I'll leave you to it then. I'm heading to bed. See you tomorrow, Y/N, night :)

He sent her a good night message and returned to his movie.


Emma stared at her screen and went to groan but then remembered her sore throat and settled on an annoyed sigh. She walked to her kitchen, filled a cup with water, and mixed in a teaspoon of salt. "I couldn't even think of anything to say to keep a conversation going," she grumbled quietly. She took a mouthful of the homemade saltwater and resisted spitting it out. She tilted her head up and gargled the water in her mouth, trying not to giggle at how silly she must've looked. She spat the water into the sink and sighed, "Well, there's always tomorrow."


Emma was the third to arrive at the second table reading, the first two being Jenna and her boyfriend. Jenna ran up and hugged Emma tightly. 

"How's your throat feeling?" She asked.

"Better, thanks. Y/N gave me some advice on how to help with throat pain." Emma said, returning her friend's hug. Jenna smiled at her,

"Oh, so you did end up texting him? Talk about anything exciting?" She asked, with a curious glint in her eye. Emma playfully rolled her eyes and gently pushed Jenna away.

"Not really. I couldn't think of anything to talk about after he helped me out," Emma said, sitting at the table. Jenna gave her a reassuring smile. "Well, you'll see him today, so you'll be able to have an actual conversation with him." As she finished her sentence, the door opened.

"Morning, all," Y/N said as he entered the room, sitting beside Emma.

"Morning," Jenna and her boyfriend said.

"How's your throat feeling, Emma?" He asked, giving her a friendly smile, which she returned.

"Good, thank you. I didn't have herbal tea, but I tried the salt water, which helped." She said. He nodded, reached into his shoulder bag, pulled out a small box, and handed it to Emma.

"I wasn't sure if you like herbal tea, but if you want to try it out, this is what I use. It does wonders for relaxing the throat," he said. Emma took the box and thanked him. The box read Every You Every Tea and advertised that it aided in keeping your throat and sinuses clear and relaxing the throat. Finally, the director came in, followed by the writers, and today's reading began.


After hours of line readings, everyone became more comfortable with their lines. Soon enough, it would be time to get into the studio for the recording. For now, everyone's taking a break. Y/N was using this time to write some notes on his script. Mostly, things for the character's tone, inflection, and pronunciation.

"So, how'd you get into voice acting? Emma asked. He looked from his script and said,  

"Well, I started the way many modern voice actors start. Reading funny posts from Tumblr and Twit- oops, I mean X," he said, getting a small laugh from the table. "Anyway, I started doing that in the Pandemic when I was 18, and eventually, I got a following then, at 19, I was invited to join an online production company that would make various abridged series. And after doing that for two years, I got picked up for actual anime and video game roles. And, now, here I am."

"Abridged series?" Emma asked.

"Oh, it's when a group of people take an anime and re-edit and redo the dialogue to make it more comedic," he explained. "What about you? How'd you get into acting?" He asked her.

"Well, I got my first role in 2010 in The Glades. I was able to start acting professionally at 16 and acted in some smaller projects, but then I got the role of Enid, and it all just took off from there." Emma said.

"Damn, so you've been acting for over a decade." He said, impressed, which made Emma laugh.

"Don't word it like that! You'll make me feel old." She said, which made him chuckle.

The director got everyone's attention and said it was time to return to line reads.

After another few hours, the session was over, and it was confirmed that there would be one more reading before heading into the studio. Y/N was putting his script into his shoulder bag when Emma asked, "Are you doing anything tonight?" he thought for a second.

"Nah, I'm free. What's up?" He said, smiling.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner?" She asked with a nervous smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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Voice of Reason. Emma Myers x Voice Actor Male Reader.Where stories live. Discover now