026, truce? i hate you.

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alianna stood against the window in her debutante dress, susannah on the other side painting her

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alianna stood against the window in her debutante dress, susannah on the other side painting her. alianna sighed as she looked out the window but stayed still so she wouldn't ruin the image.

"everything okay?" susannah asks while still painting. alianna forced a smile and went back to staring out the window. susannah kept her eyes on alianna as she picked up her paint brush, but didn't continue the conversation.

they stayed like this for a few minutes before susannah finally spoke up. "i've been thinking about the dance this week. i think you should go with conrad."

"what?" alianna had a concern look, not that she didn't want conrad as her date, she has always wanted to go with him. it was just an unexpected thing for susannah to say. she thought beck would want jeremiah to go with her.

"uhm, why not jeremiah or somebody else?" alianna tried to cover up, "do you have a date yet?" susannah asks her eyes raised as she asked the question.

alianna shook her head no and went back to staring out the window. "well, i already told conrad he has to ask you to be his date." susannah said proudly, alianna turned to susannah with a surprised look.

"uhm, okay then. i don't have a problem with it," alianna replied, "but i do wonder why you asked him to go with me and not someone else?" she was referring to belly who since they were little kids — has been head over heels for this boy.

alianna continued, "i just didn't realize i was high up on conrad's list of girls to go to the dance with and plus didn't he say he went last year so he can't go this year?"

as if being conrad's date didn't already get alianna's head spinning, susannah's comment made her even more confused. "uhm, why can't he go again?" alianna asked, her cheeks growing red.

"i'm not sure," susannah replied, the look on her face showing her confusion. but, i'm sure he has a reason." susannah added as she went to the painting to escape the conversation.


belly and alianna are in the kitchen preparing for the tournament, belly at the counter top putting some sort of powder into her drink. "belly, what are you doing?" alianna asks, placing a hand on belly's shoulder.

she has never seen belly do something like that before."it's matcha, silly!" belly answers, turning around to face alianna with a smile on her face. "i have the championship match and i'm making sure i'm hydrated." belly answers, laughing as she shakes her head.

"alrighty." alianna nodded with a small smile. she still felt like something was off about that, but she decided to let it slide.

"are you nervous about the match?" she asked, turning to talk to belly while getting some food to eat. "uhm i guess. i'm just really eager to win and raise the most money!" belly smiles softly.

belly chose to raise her money for the homeless women's charity which was the charity that susannah supports. belly has always been the competitive one out of the two especially when came to volleyball.

as the two giggled talking about the competition, conrad entered the kitchen, "i didn't realise you two were besties again. when conrad enters, alianna and belly both quickly stop their conversation to look at conrad.

ever since yesterday's incident, belly hadn't forgiven conrad. she was on okay terms with alianna which alianna won her over by buying her ice-cream.

"you really wan-" belly almost started a fight but alianna put a hand on her shoulder, "it's okay, i got this." alianna assured the brunette, "just go outside and stretch?"

"okay. you should be thankful because if she didn't stop me, things would've gotten messy." conrad scrunched up his face as belly threatened, this made alianna laugh as it reminded her of Tiffany Haddish. Girls Trip was belly and alianna's comfort movie and reminded them of the friendship.

belly gave a cold, hard glare towards conrad as she stormed out of the kitchen to go and stretch like alianna told her to. now alone with alianna, conrad walked over and sat down on the counter. "so..ali, why were you talking to her?" conrad asked smugly.

"don't pretend like nothing happened." alianna scoffed. "don't pretend like you're innocent in this mess." conrad scoffed back. they sat in silence until conrad spoke up, "can we not do this again?" alianna rolled her eyes at him comment.

"you know belly — she can't keep a secret. soon she'll tell everyone, and that means jeremiah." conrad sighed. alianna's face went from rested to worry and she felt her stomach drop at the thought of jeremiah being hurt, again.

"i think jeremiah already knows.. i mean he's always lurking, and belly doesn't always have the best poker face." conrad chuckled.

conrad sighed deeply.

"well, how about we let this go for the time being, since we do have a competition to prepare for.. after we win THEN we can start fighting again" conrad said as he held his pinky out for alianna to link it acting like those old men at golf shake their hands.

"truce?" he asked, his voice being somewhat kind and comforting. conrad laughed, noticing the awkward silence. ".. well?" he asked, staring alianna dead in the eyes, waiting for an answer.

alianna, now feeling the weight of the awkward silence, rolled her eyes and groaned, extending her hand to shake his.

"i hate you." was her response to the silent question. she rolled her eyes as her presence left the kitchen and followed to where belly had gone.

lish speaks ! 🤍🫶🏻🌊

a whole freaking chapter about alianna and connie baby fighting? god.

also i love how they fight like an old couple, i find it so cute (not in a weird way 😟)

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