26 2 36

Restoration, restoration
Washington is with you
Restoration, restoration
Washington is with you

[Jefferson] It is.
Every action has only one reaction.
Thanks to Hamilton, the taxiways were cleared.
We are under pressure
I got it from the media and I don't know.
Be patient and happy.
Dress up as a model, shirt, shirt
Our poor people and farmers live every day
When Wall Street secretly received tokens instead of money
Shadow needs someone to hug him.
If someone violates their free word of mouth, they will eventually leave the company.
When he was about to draw his gun, he opened it and started shooting.
He looked back and saw Washington in his pocket.

[Jefferson and Burr].
Restoration, restoration
Washington is with you
Restoration, restoration
Washington is with you
Look again in your right pocket

[Madison] It is.
He wrote

Color byte.
Restoration, restoration
Washington is with you

[Madison] It is.
Officials are deceived in this way.
Isn't that the age-old problem of many state budgets?

Look at his eyes!

[Jefferson] It is.
See how it works

[Madison] It is.
Follow the instructions of the company

[Jefferson] It is.
National Credit Bureau
Strengthen mortgage competition in the United States

[Madison] It is.
If you do not stop, we will help you and support you.

[Jefferson] It is.
It must be stopped

[Madison] It is.
Someone must save the south!

Someone must be in your mouth!

[Jefferson] It is.
I lit the fire

[Madison and Jefferson].
I can't leave the house

[Jefferson] It is.
I'm on a boat and I have to do this
Please do your best and read
Otherwise, Washington does not care.
Doctoral Distinctions:

Immigrants are not workers.
Immigrants don't trust all of us.
Show your partner the opposite!

South Patong -

Democrats are Republicans!


Track your money and watch it go


As other features are added


If you can track your money and watch it go
Go to the grass and see the seeds
Hamilton is wrong

It is enough. It is enough.

[Madison] It is.
Track your money and watch it go

It is enough. It is enough.

[Jefferson] It is.
naked people

We can't see. I don't hate it.
It will not last
Restoration, restoration
Washington is with you 

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