Island and dreams part 1

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Third pov

There was two girls that were in the beach their eyes were closed. Hey are okay says a boy's voice the girls open their eyes a little bit but close them again as they fall asleep.

(Y/n) pov

I was getting stuff for the raft because we were going to go to different worlds like we wanted to because me and my very best friend kairi and me we probably were in different worlds because we don't remember where we came from we were just washed up on shore and found by sora plus I can tell he has a crush on her and I ship it I think they are cute together sora is like my brother and Riku too they are like my siblings I've been having dreams about a door every time I try to touch it I would fall asleep.


*I open my eyes to see that I'm on something white I look around and see a door I walk closer I went to touch it not noticing something behind me as I was about to touch the door but it went dark*

Flashback end)

I then shake my head then I feel something touch my head. Your spacing out again says a boy's voice I know that voice and look up to see riku. Sorry I was just thinking I had this weird dream that it was dark and had a door I say with a frown I know riku knows I'm not lying since I never lie about it He still stares at me then smiles and rubs my head and takes his hand off my head. we should get to those three who knows what else they are doing says riku I nod my head and I walk off with him to find the three of them.

Third person pov

There was a boy with spiky hair that is brown and is laying on the ground with a werd creature next to him asleep it has bows on its head and a little jacket that can fit it as it lays next to him as he was sleeping too dreaming about something then he wakes up to his crush and he jumps up a little waking up with the creature.

(Y/n) pov

As I was walking with riku we see the three of them talking well not peace since she can't talk they turn around when they herd riku's voice. You guys are lazy me and (y/n) went to get the stuff says riku and peace runs to me and jumped on my shoulder and rubs her face on mine and I smile as I scratch her head a little. As me, peace, sora, and kairi were by the tree I had peace on my lap as we stare out at the sunset. Hey guys do you think we can travel together to the worlds says sora as we look at him. Of course we will sora after all we're friends and friends stick together I say as I smile and look out at the sunset again but with a smile the three look at me and look at the sunset with a smile with peace asleep in my lap not noticing that this would be the last time we see each other again.


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