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In a hushed tone filled with disbelief, Beomgyu murmured, "There's no way he's dead," as he gently checked Zico's neck for any sign of a pulse. Beomgyu had thoroughly examined him from head to toe, desperately trying to comprehend why he had collapsed in the hostel hallway in the middle of the night. But the harsh reality hit him like a tidal wave – he was dead. 

Panic surged through Beomgyu as he realized one grim truth: no one would believe he hadn't killed him.

In the dimly lit hallway, he stood frozen, his heart pounding in his chest. Before him lay the lifeless body of his classmate, a notorious bully who had tormented him for years.

As his mind raced to process the situation, a mix of relief and confusion washed over him. He couldn't deny that a part of him had wished for an end to the bullying, but to find his classmate lying dead before him was not what he had envisioned.

The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of his own shallow breaths.

He knew that he had to act swiftly, his innocence in this matter was not guaranteed. The incident could easily be misinterpreted by others, as his history with zico gave him motive.

What else could go wrong than someone who hated Beomgyu stumbling upon this? Beomgyu's heart sank as he heard a voice behind him inquire, "What are you doing here?" The voice belonged to none other than Choi Yeonjun – the class topper, the hottie, the cool kid. They had almost never exchanged words before, and it was evident that Yeonjun never had the desire to start a conversation with Beomgyu. Beomgyu's face drained of color as Yeonjun's gaze fell upon Zico's lifeless body sprawled on the floor.

"What's going on with him now?" Yeonjun, who also happened to be the hostel monitor, inquired. It was his responsibility to check up on students of his class and take rounds sometimes. And unfortunately that 'sometime' had to be that today. Beomgyu remained silent, anxiety gripping him tightly.

Yeonjun approached Zico, attempting to rouse him, thinking he might be putting on some weird act in the middle of the night. But there was no response. A strange feeling washed over Yeonjun as he instinctively touched Zico's neck, and he recoiled in shock. "Oh my God, is he..." he trailed off.

"Dead? Yes," Beomgyu heard himself say, and a sinking feeling of dread settled in the air.

Yeonjun quickly grasped the situation; he wasn't naive like Beomgyu. He turned to face Beomgyu and asked with a hint of urgency, "Did you...?" he didn't actually think beomgyu would kill someone. It was unlikely. Since he always thought beomgyu was some kind of idiot who lets people walk over him. 

"I didn't kill him, I swear to God," Beomgyu interrupted, his voice trembling.

"Damn, this is bad," Yeonjun muttered, standing up in a state of panic. Beomgyu desperately attempted to clear his name, saying, "He was already like this when I arrived."

"We don't have time for this, Choi Beomgyu," Yeonjun snapped, his use of Beomgyu's full name causing Beomgyu to flinch.

"What?" Beomgyu stammered.

"I mean, you and I both touched his body," Yeonjun pointed out, coming closer to Beomgyu. "We're practically the prime suspects here, Beomgyu!" yes his mind was working out things.

"I had an argument with him just the other day... and he's your bully," yeonjun added, his voice filled with regret. Yeonjun was in a state of genuine panic, muttering, "Oh no, this is terrible."

"Let's call our warden," Beomgyu suggested, but Yeonjun quickly interrupted, exasperated, "Are you serious? Or are you just being incredibly foolish?" yeonjun internally screamed at beomgyu for thinking so legally... and foolishly.

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