The interview

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The sound of an alarm rings through Jenna's hotel room waking her up from her slumber, she picks up her phone to turn off the alarm and reads the time with her eyes half open. 9:30, this is the first time since the start of filming that she hasn't had to wake up at ungodly hours of the morning. A text pings on her phone,
Emma: Morning, just checking you're awake x
Jenna smiles at her phone as Emma knows she doesn't like mornings.
Jenna: Yep I'm up x

Today Jenna and some of the cast are filming an interview, although they are only half way through filming they still have a lot they can share. Jenna gets up out of bed and takes a quick shower before choosing an outfit. She stands in front of her wardrobe looking at her clothes hanging up 'what the hell shall I wear? I need to look nice' Although she wants to look nice because this interview will be aired, the main reason she's stressing about her outfit is because of a certain 6'3, blonde co-star. Since the beginning of filming Jenna and Gwen have always had a connection, being flirty and extra touchy with each other. Despite their extremely flirty relationship Jenna is certain Gwen doesn't feel the same way as she does, given their age and a variety of different reasons. Another text message pulls Jenna out of her thoughts,
Emma: The taxi will be here at 10 x

"Oh shit" Jenna says aloud noticing the little time she has to get ready. She finally settles on a black 2 piece with red stitching, patterned tights and red heels. She rushes to get dressed and makes her way to the lobby to meet the others, as they are all staying in the same hotel.
When she enters the lobby she is met by Emma, Gwen, Catherine and Luis, her eyes are immediately drawn to Gwen who is wearing a cream suit and a pair of heals. "Wow, you look beautiful" Jenna swoons as Gwen greets her with a hug "thank you darling, you look gorgeous" Gwen replies. Jenna greets the rest of her co-stars just before their taxi arrives. The 5 pile into the taxi and are taken to the studio where they are filming the interview.

When they arrive they are met by the crew who explain to them how everything will work, they meet their interviewer and are taken to the room they are filming in, Jenna, Gwen and Emma sit together on the sofa with Jenna in the middle holding Gwen's hand and Catherine and Luis sit on stools behind them. The crew hand Luis and Gwen a mic before taking their places behind the camera. The interviewer starts with a question for Jenna so Gwen passes the mic to her "thank you very much woman" "my woman, I love you" Jenna says, her voice full of adoration "sorry that might be disrespectful but that is my nickname for her, because she's my wife" she continues making Gwen's cheeks flush "anyway, I'm sorry, the-yes" she stumbles, turning to Gwen who is giggling at her "I'm sorry, I look at you, I get so - I get s - I - my heart" she stutters. Gwen looks away as she starts blushing, Jenna's effect on her becoming clear.

Jenna finishes her answer and the interviewer directs questions to the other cast members, Jenna rests her head on Gwen's shoulder as she listens to her co-stars answers the last question is asked to Gwen "did you expect the show to be this huge when you were filming?" she asks " I wasn't anticipating this most overwhelming response, but I think that if I may say, when I was on set and when I was working with Jenna". Gwen smiles as she looks at Jenna "I know you don't like this sort of thing" she says watching her cheeks blush "but Jenna is truly, truly one of the most exceptional performers and people I've ever had the pleasure of working with and it became very clear to me that Tim was creating something very special and Jenna is outstanding" she continues, her voice full of praise. "And there was a certain energy about the scenes that it felt exciting to me, it felt a little bit magical, but you never know what's going to happen. I did know, I did know that Jenna would be exceptional and I think she's gone on to blow everybody's mind" she says looking at Jenna. Gwen giggles when she sees her blushing, Jenna looks away and covers her face with her hands "I can't even look at you right now" she giggles. Gwen maintains eye contact with Jenna, relishing in the effect she has on her.

My woman, I love youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon