Features of the land of the Amazigh

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Next to the Atlas Mountains located in North Africa, where fruits blend with palm trees, plains with sand, and heat with frost, we find "Hood" residing in the remote village of "Hula," far from major population centers in Amazigh land.

(Hula is specifically located southeast of the major population center "Constantine," but it was not just a village. It was nestled in a large gap, an open cave on the surface of the earth, where the village houses were embedded in the walls of the gap, creating a natural scene that defies description.

Hood was a young man with dark hair, blue eyes, somewhat sharp features, and a height of 1.73 meters. He had a non-biological brother named "Bert," with blond hair, green eyes, and a height of 1.70 meters. Their mother was named "Numidia," and her features greatly resembled those of her son Hood.

"Knock, knock, knock."

- Bert: Here you go, Mother!

- Numidia: Bert, my dear, I sent Hood to the "Fura" forest to gather firewood, but the sun is setting, and he hasn't returned yet. Should I...?

- Bert: Don't worry, Mother. I'll go search for him. Don't burden yourself more than you can handle. You should take some rest now to preserve the health of our little brother nestled in that swollen belly!

- Numidia: You're right! But Hood has always been an impulsive boy. I fear he may have fallen into the clutches of the troublemakers, as usual.

Bert went out to search for his brother and head towards the "Fura" forest, he had to leave the village of "Hula" and go north. While in the "Bouna" tunnel (a tunnel connecting the village of Hula to the surface of the earth, the only way to exit the gap and reach the surface), he heard a voice saying:

- Hey, hey, hey! I see you're in a hurry, Bert.

- Bert: Hello, Lana. I'm on my way to search for Hood in the vicinity of "Fura."

- Lana: I just finished the restoration work. I can come with you.

(Restoration: Since the houses in the village of Hula are carved into the walls, the only way to move between them is through suspension bridges, but they are over 200 years old. That's why the village elder, "Shidar," appointed children above the age of 15 to be responsible for the restoration of the suspension bridges.)

"Lana": A girl of the same age as Bert, living in Hula, and she is the daughter of the village leader, "Shidar." She is known for her physical strength and high fitness level.

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