Bloody Pearls - Sic x Miss Piggy

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Sic shuffled his feet nervously. He shouldn't have listened to his new friend Kermit. A blind date was a stupid idea, he didn't even know the gal. Piggy was her name, and that's all he was given before the date was planned at the fanciest restaurant in town.

The rain was coming down hard, and he had hoped that his phone would ring with a cancellation.

Cmon Sic, don't be a wuss. Its just a date.....

He walked into the doors of the warm restaurant, his shoes squelching from the rain outside. After checking his coat, the host walked him to a table at the back of the restaurant. Candles cast a soft warm glow, and Sic felt the cold from outside melt off of him. This was a nice place. Not nice on the wallet, but nice nonetheless. He was barely on time, but Piggy was late.

He waited and waited, and no one had arrived. Letting out a huff of frustration, he began to stand before a shadow was cast on the seat opposite to him. A snobby voice sounded out.

"Oh, were you going somewhere?"

He froze. Turning towards the voice, stood a short pig with long blonde hair. She was wearing a necklace of large pearls, and had a strange look on her face. Eventually Sic realized... that was just her face. Sic forced a smile and motioned for her to sit down. She sat with a huff and pulled the menu to her.

"Nasty little place for a first date, isn't it? But it will do." She oinked. Sic winced at her words, as this was way above his budget as is, but he silently flicked through the menu. The waiter came by and took their orders, and of course Piggy ordered the most expensive bottle of wine, and the most expensive dish on the menu, with all extra priced additions. Sic gulped before speaking.

"So, Piggy, is it-"

"Thats MISS Piggy to you."

"Oh right," he cleared his throat. "Miss Piggy. Are you from around here?"

The pair talked. Well Sic mostly listened, while Miss Piggy went on and on about her and her life. Sic realized that she hadn't even asked him his name. He waited for the end of the date with anticipation. It was going horribly wrong, and he needed to get out of here before Piggy - Miss Piggy, demanded more from him.

He cleared his throat and stood. "Well Miss Piggy, it was wonderful to meet you, but I must head out now. Late night, long day of work tomorrow, you know how it is."

Miss Piggy cocked her head to the side, "No, I don't work."

Sic stared at her for a second, before nodding a goodbye. He could have sworn her eyes went black, and then she sneered at him and waved goodbye.

Sicarius practically ran to the door of the restaurant. He even forgot to check out his coat. As he began to walk home in the dark, the rain pelting him, he realized how cold he was. The street was dark, and the crunch of gravel was swallowed by the sound of the storm. Sic heard a crunch that might have not been his own, and he paused. The rain was the only thing he heard for a second, before the sound was heard again. A subtle crunch of gravel behind him. He swung around to see no other than.... Miss Piggy. She was stealthily moving closer to him, and stopped in her tracks, as he saw her. His confused gaze met hers, and she smiled. It was not a kind smile, but evil. Like a villain, and her eyes flashed red. Within one second, something hit him on his head, and pain flared, and the world went black.

Sic awoke what felt like hours later. His head was pounding, and he tried to sit up but the nausea took over. He finally opened his eyes, and noticed that the room was lit with dozens of candles. Gathering strength, he sat up. There, in a corner of the room, sat a slim figure on a single chair. It wore a black robe, the hood up and casting a shadow on its face.

"You are awake," a sharp voice said. "Good, then we can start." The figure stood up, and took off its hood.

"K--kermit" croaked Sicarius. "What are you doing? Where am I? Where is Miss Piggy?"

"Ah, so I take it, you enjoyed your date?" He sneered. Kermit stalked up to Sic, smiling. "She was quite unimpressed with your lack of interest. So we decided to make you the next victim."

"Victim?" Sic coughed out, his throat raw. Flashes of newspaper headlines appeared in his head. Men murdered, bodies appeared all around the city in the past couple months. The connection hit him like a slap. He had befriended Kermit a couple months ago when Kermit moved to the city. He was desperate to make a friend, and Kermit was the only person willing to connect with him. Kermit arrived when the murders began.

A shrill laugh sounded from the doorway. "I see he's awake finally, time to have some fun." Miss Piggy walked in, wearing a bright pink dress, and what looked like a streak of blood on her cheek. "I have just finished sorting through the other one. The parts are in the fridge my dear," she smiled at Kermit, and walked over to give him a kiss.

"Why are you doing this Kermit, I thought we were friends," Sic cried out, realizing his feet were bound.

"We are. I was a good friend and set you up on a blind date with Miss Piggy. You were the bad friend for disappointing my Miss Piggy on the date. I don't like when Miss Piggy is disappointed."

Miss Piggy giggled. "Oh Kermit. You take care of me so well. This is why we are so good together."

Kermit walked over to the cot that Sicarius was laying on, and smiled. He pulled out a bloodied saw from under his robe.

"Lets begin dear. We have reservations in a few hours."

Miss Piggy smiled and handed Kermit a long strand of fabric, before the frog gagged Sicarius and his screams came out muffled. 

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