Chapter 2-Seriously?! I only wanted pizza!

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Amelia's P.O.V

I drum my hands on the wheel as the beat blasts through the radio.

Baby, you light up my world like nobody else! As I hum along to the beat I pull into the hunk of concrete called my driveway.

After school ended, I had rushed to the parking lot before I could come across any more drama. I then picked up a chocolate milkshake (my favourite) from Sally’s and headed home so I could get ready for tonight. Though we were only going out for pizza, I knew Stacey would want me to dress up nice, especially if Ryan was going. Well at least nicer than my big ol’ comfy jumper and jeans.

Still humming I hopped out of my car with my milkshake in one hand, and my keys swinging round my finger in the other. I strolled in the door, not really expecting anyone to be home and went to my room to get changed. Sighing, I rummage through my closet in search of something to wear.  Eventually, I settle for a floral boob-tube top and a black skirt. I toss on a cardigan and begin stuffing my foot into my black wedges, when all of a sudden the door burst open.

My head snaps up. I look bewildered at the door, before losing my balance and toppling over.

“Oh no! I’m so sorry sweetie!” I feel an arm tug on mine and pull me up. “Are

you alright?”

I groan and run a hand through my hair. “Yeah mom I’m fine. What are you doing here?” A smile is plastered on her face and her windblown hair is untied, something I rarely see when it comes to my mother. It’s honey coloured like mine and her bright blue eyes sparkle with excitement. People say I look a lot like her. They used to say the same about my sister.

“Oh nonono. I can’t tell you yet! We have to wait for your father to get home.” I can tell she’s dying to tell me but I don’t push it.

“Well I’m going out in an hour for pizza with Stacey, so you’ll probably have to tell me in the morning.” I reply.

“Oh…um…well sure sweetheart. That’s fine.” I feel guilty for letting my mom down, but I really needed to escape from…well everything. If Stacey knew how to do one thing, it was have fun. And that’s exactly what I am planning to do tonight.

BANG BANG BANG! “Mom! Could you get the door please?” I say, putting on my earrings.

“Sure thing, honey!” I hear her reply. I look at myself in the mirror. My outfit is cute but my reflection still isn’t exactly the most pleasant sight. My hair and is a mess from the little ‘incident’ in PE, and my makeup is smudged all over the place. Sighing I decide I might as well have a quick shower.

The cold water wakes me up and I hop out of the shower feeling refreshed. I was about to walk into my room when I heard noises from the lounge.

“Mom? Is dad home early?” I say walking in, only to find none other than Zyler sitting on my couch. Both he and my mother turn around shocked. “Wha…what is he doing here!”  I scream.

My mother’s expression changes from shocked to an angry glare, whereas Zyler sits there smirking. “Amelia!” my mother says, “there is no need to be rude to our guest.”


“Yes ‘guest’. Zyler here just moved in across the road.”

Oh great. I get to spend even more time with him!

“We’ve already met, mom!” I say grumpily.

She claps her hands happily before announcing “Marvellous! Now it will be even better when you two go out for pizza together!”

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