Chapter 4: meeting the queen of Barcelona 

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Grace Bradford sat at her mother's bedside, the room bathed in the soft glow of a bedside lamp. Her mother, Linda, who had been ill for some time, looked up at her with a gentle smile. The bond between mother and daughter was strong, and in moments like these, it felt unbreakable.

"Grace," Linda began, her voice filled with affection, "you've always been such a loving and caring daughter. You've dedicated so much of your time to your job as a firefighter and taking care of me. But, sweetheart, have you ever considered finding someone special to share your life with?"

Grace's gaze shifted to the family photos adorning the walls, memories of happier times. She knew her mother was right. Her life had revolved around her career and her mother's well-being, leaving little room for romance. Linda's words touched her heart, and she couldn't help but feel a longing for companionship.

Linda continued, "You deserve happiness, Grace. Someone to love and who loves you in return. Maybe it's time to open your heart to new possibilities."

Grace nodded, her eyes glistening with emotion. "I've thought about it, Mom. I just haven't found the right person yet."

Linda smiled warmly. "You will, dear. Love has a way of finding us when we least expect it. Just be open to the possibility."

Taking her mother's advice to heart, Grace decided to spend the afternoon with her little, sister Ellie, at the local park. As they strolled along the tree-lined paths, Ellie's laughter and playful energy brought a smile to Grace's face. It was moments like these that reminded her of the simple joys in life.

Little did she know that fate had a surprise in store for her. As they rounded a bend in the park, Grace spotted a familiar face. It was Alexia Putellas, the soccer superstar, walking her dog Nala. Grace had admired Alexia from afar, not only for her athletic prowess but also for her dedication and strong character.

Taking a deep breath, Grace approached Alexia with a friendly smile. "Hi, Alexia, right?"

Alexia looked up, her brown eyes meeting Grace's. "Yes, that's me. And you are?"

"I'm Grace," she replied. "I've been a fan of your soccer skills for a long time."

Alexia's lips curled into a friendly grin. "Thank you, Grace. It's always nice to meet a fan. And who's this little cutie?" she asked, bending down to greet Ellie, who was instantly charmed by the famous athlete.

Grace introduced Ellie, and the three of them began to chat casually. As the conversation flowed, Grace found herself drawn to Alexia's warmth and authenticity. Alexia, in turn, was captivated by Grace's kindness and the genuine connection they shared.

Time seemed to fly as they continued to talk, their laughter filling the air. It was a chance encounter in a park, but it felt like the beginning of something special.

As the sun began to set and they exchanged contact information, Grace couldn't help but think that maybe her mother's advice had been more timely than she had ever imagined. Love had a way of finding its way into unexpected places, and perhaps, in Alexia, she had found the person who would bring happiness and love into her life.

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