154 4 2

(Audio not mine. Video is from SMG4 himself.)

(Lets just timeskip to until where they get locked in the igloo.)
(OH, and btw, there is no Pingas bird here. So i replaced the burd with da TV)


Damn, four is such a goddamn crybaby- i never seen him like this in our entire life... Hes kinda cute- wait, why did i fcking say that?!


3: "Uhhh, that red fatass will save us right?.."  I laughed nervously

Then, 4 started having a damn stroke like he usually does, its funny for me. I mean, he looks cute with those teary eyes, and cute sad face. I love it. But i don't love him or anything... Or maybe i do?

4 then stood up, and looked at me. Why the hell am i having thoughts on making him my girlfriend?! Hes just too cute to ignore, i hate this feeling... What if he doesn't accept me? What if he kills me? Forget it...

I sighed and just looked back at him.

3: "Stop staring at me, you Baka!"

4 sighed, and drew a line on the middle

4: "There, thats your side and this is mine!"

I can't even believe he'd do this though. I mean, it maybe is to keep us from fighting or killing each other? Yeah, i guess so.

I then spoke up

3: "Hey, that's no fair! You got the chair, and a bed. While i got a toilet!"

4: "Well atleast you have a TV there and a, seksy looking table!"

4: "Then i guess we will share the fridge then."

3: "Well thanks, uhh, douchbag!"

4: "You're welcome, uhh, butthead!"

Well, we started going on to our sides, and
4 looked on the wall. And i noticed, he was blushing?! Why though? Maybe he is embarrassed? Or what... I don't need to know, he's my rival after all. Or maybe not-?

I was feeling goddamn butterflies in me... I don't fvcking know why- i can't stop looking at him, i gave him too much glances.. I don't know why..


SnowTrapped But My Autistic Brain Wrote It- (DISCONTINUED?)Where stories live. Discover now