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A late night in the woods, moon light piercing the darkness providing the only light visible for miles, the air quiet only the occasional owl and bugs singing their usual lullaby drifting on the wind.

The peaceful night disturbed by three black blurs rushing through the trees, wolves, their furr rivalling the pitch black of the night the loud panting and the crashing of their massive paws striking the earth drowning out all other sounds

The smallest of the three wolves sped up moving past the second biggest locking its sights on its prey, the largest wolf almost double the size of the smaller not noticing the others stare till it was too late, the smaller had pounced teeth catching the scruff of the neck sending the larger crashing to the ground pinning it to the ground with much struggle as the larger starts fighting back, the second largest sneaking up behind the pair grabbing the smallers tail pulling on it, yelping out the smaller spun around nipping at its paws the distraction gave the largest wolf time to get up and jump on the other two squishing them to the ground, the two wiggling trying to nip at the larger in hopes of escape

A whistle echoing throughout the woods caused them to stop all movement ears perking up, heads turning to the direction the whistle came from, another whistle came so they got up and started running towards the sound, when a small house came into view their run slowed to a trot, stopping as a tall Asian man stepped out of the glass porch door he glanced up brown clashing with amber, looking the three up and down he tutted
"Absolutely not, you are not tracking muddy paw prints in here, turn back and wash your feet" he said before turning and heading back in, leaving the door open
Huffing, they turned back bones cracking and shifting into place. Once fully shifted, the three stood up and started making their way towards the hose next to the door wiping mud on each other as they go

"I'm impressed Lo you managed to get the idiot on the ground faster than normal" Sebastian chuckled grabbing the hose turning it on
"Oh please she just got lucky" Tobias huffed pushing his sister slightly
"Lucky? Ha you wish just admit it loser I'm clearly better than you at everything" Willow laughed at the taller boy
Her laughter turned into a loud shocked gasp as she was suddenly soaked head to toe in ice cold water, turning she spots Sebastian standing there smirking hose in hand, glaring she goes to charge at him before the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted her
"If you guys are finished then get in here and get your clothes on, we've got a long day tomorrow" their dad said shaking his head, smiling at the three of them
"Coming!" Sebastian yelled rushing passed his sister yelping as he barely avoids the hands reaching to grab him
"Hey get back here!" She yelled following him
Tobias with his now no longer muddy self following not far behind

Vincent chucked watching them go, closing and locking the door once he was sure all three triplets were accounted for  as they always have a tendency to loose one of them normally it's the oldest boy who wonders off, they quickly put on their underwear and pyjamas before making their way further into the house bickering like there's no tomorrow
"Oh, Roman and Bobby won't be coming to help tomorrow" Vincent said following after his children
"Oh okay but aunt Anna's still coming right?" Willow asked
He nodded making Willow's smile grow, her love for the crazy lady shining through

The three kids wishing their parents goodnight before making their way upstairs in what could be called a duckling row, every single one of them tripping over the exact same moving box on the way
"Honestly it still baffles me how clumsy those three are" Dev chuckled coming up behind his husband watching them go
Rolling his eyes amused as not even a second after they were upstairs a small thump followed by a quiet 'ow' was heard
"I'd say it's genetic but nothing can explain those kids not even the smartest scientist" Vincent laughed, turning he wrapped his arm around his husbands waist leading him to their bedroom
"Please they would scare a scientist"

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