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As Natalia was eating her regular breakfast, the tasteless oats seemed even less appealing today, she couldn't shake something.

As she made her way up to the training room earlier that morning, Natalia had almost slipped on a still wet puddle of what she knew all too well to be blood.

Her thoughts raced, wondering whose it might have been. The Red Room was no stranger to violence, but this was different, more unsettling. This place was kept immaculate, purely serving as a tool for the girls to train and live. Yet... the blood was just left there and clearly no attempt had been made to clean it up.

Sitting across from Hilma, who kept making snide comments as usual, Natalia couldn't help but smirk inwardly. If only they knew she held back during their training sessions, deliberately restraining herself. She could snap any of them in half within seconds if she wished. And trust me, Natalia was waiting for that day.
The truth was, her physical abilities surpassed all of theirs, but she had learned the hard way that it was better to play the part of the underestimated underdog.

The only girl who didn't participate in Hilma's taunting was Yelena, seated beside Natalia. Yelena, like her, seemed to be an outcast among the group. She wasn't the most gifted fighter, and perhaps that was what made the two of them gravitate toward each other, finding solace in their shared struggles in this brutal place.

Suddenly, the dining hall's doors burst open, and Natalia's heart skipped a beat as Madam B, the fore mentioned formidable overseer, entered looking unusually nervous. This is a woman who had no problem snapping children's necks. When she was nervous, something big was happening.

She was accompanied by a man who exuded an air of authority, a clear contrast to the usual officers. They made their way to the front of the room, Madam B's stern demeanour paling in comparison to the stranger's.

She cleared her throat, demanding everyone's attention. She was a short, lanky woman with short chestnut hair always slicked back into a flawless low bun.

However, the man standing next to the Madam was tall, at least 6 foot, and had greying tufts of hair and a well trimmed handlebar moustache.

The chatter in the room slowly died down as curiosity filled the air.
Madam B began, introducing the man as Vlademir, the head of HYDRA's weapons team, and the very mention of HYDRA sent shivers down Natalia's spine.

HYDRA was a name whispered in fearful secrecy among the girls. We all knew they were involved in the Red Room somehow, we were just never sure how.

The man now known as Vlademier stated, "as the numbers of girls in the Widow program continued to decline and you girls near the end  of your training, there is a need for a significantly more capable trainer, particularly in combat".

Natalia's mind raced with unease as she began connecting the dots. The bloodstain she had seen earlier, guess we know who's it was... not to mention the nervous energy emanating from her once always stoic 'mentor', points to the arrival of something significant.

With an air of anticipation, they continued, revealing that HYDRA's greatest asset was being "loaned" to them. The name that left their lips sent a chill down Natalia's spine.

The Winter Soldier.

She had heard whispers of this shadowy figure before. He was a ghost, a ruthless, incredibly lethal assassin. The rumors painted him as the greatest killer to ever walk the earth, and the fear that rippled through the room was an indicator of just that. Even the officers sucked in a breath and looked on with fear clear in their eyes.

The name, "The Winter Soldier," had always been echoed in hushed whispers throughout the Red Room, a dark legend that haunted their every thought. It was a name associated with relentless death and unfathomable darkness, a name that sent shivers down their spines.


That very afternoon as they were sitting at their desks listening intently to Mr. Vladeri teaching the history of Russia's espionage, or mother Russia as he calls it, suddenly he looked out the window situated behind the desks.

No one dared turn to look at what has him as ghost faced, all except Svetlana, who wears the same ghastly expression.
Suddenly Mr. Vladeri pulled Svetlana off of her desk chair and dumped her on the floor, kickin her repeatedly in the stomach, he yells, "How dare you distract yourself with such nonsense, you dare ignore me, don't turn your back to me!" He screams the last part in between kicks.

She resorted to begging for him to stop, promising it will never happen again. He became disinterested and just left, following some officers, as he opened the door, I saw a slight glimpse of the sun beaming of something glinting under the harsh rays, something metal, walking in between 8 officers.

As the door slams shut, Osa runs to comfort Svetlana, holding her hair back as she spewed blood.

She should've known better.
Everyone else did.
Everyone always had, what was so important that she would risk so much, she got off easy.

Just as the door closed, it reopened with the Madam looking clammy and shaking uncontrollably, obviously nervous.

"Follow me to the training room." And with that she turned to exit, "You may take her to the infirmary." She nonchalantly stated over her shoulder.

With that sounds of shuffling echoed through the classroom as everyone followed out the door. Osa and Svetlana turning away from the group towards the stairs leading to the infirmary.

As we entered the training room, the air got thicker, everyone sucked in a sharp breath as they saw what was waiting for them.

The Soldier stood at the front of the room, all officers surrounding him with their hands placed on their gun holsters, clearly intimidated by the power radiating off of him.

*The Winter Soldier*

He is facing the group of young girls lined on the wall, their eyes filled with fear and uncertainty, he couldn't escape the thought that HYDRA was robbing them of their innocence, just as it had done to him. It chilled him to his core.

He couldn't speak out, couldn't defy his orders, but the Winter Soldier felt a flicker of something he couldn't quite identify—an inkling of rebellion buried deep within the recesses of his mind. He quickly dismisses this thought. He knew what happened if he gave into the thoughts.


As we're lined in front of the Soldier, I can sense the general fear in the air. No one feels safe, definitely not the officers who look ready to shoot.

He's tall, slightly taller than Vladimir who is standing next to him, and at least a foot taller than Madam B who is practically using an officer as a human shield so the soldier doesn't look in her direction. Though she is too proud to admit weakness, so she just stood, unmoving, behind the poor man.

The soldier looked forward at us, slightly furrowing his brows, as if confused. Imagine that, a man who could clearly kill is all in a second looking confused. The rest of his face however is blank, devoid of emotion. He turned towards the Madam, who was still trying to hide behind the officer. He slowly walks up to him and flings the officer across the room with the twitch of his arm, his seemingly completely metal arm...

Now staring directly at the soldier, Madam B shaking, struggling to keep her legs from collapsing.

The soldier turned to us then back to Madam B.
Clearly understanding what the soldier is trying to say, she manages to gasp out, "Two are at the infirmary."

The soldier walked past each of us, giving a once over, before turning and walking back up the line of us in the direction he started from.

With that he swiftly exited, stalling slightly in front of me, then continuing.

As soon as he leaves, I find my self releasing a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Whispers of the Red Room: A Love in the Shadows (winterwidow/buckynat)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن