A Bumpy Ride

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Pewds P.O.V


I definitely had to do something to get my mind of things. I decided to go to my mums she only lived about 3 miles away.

"So Cry do you want to meet my mum?" I cringed at the thought of it but I needed to get my mind of this and I have no money.

"Yeh, sure I would love to" he answered as he put his shoes on. I looked around for my keys, I thought about what my mum would say to me. Should I tell her about me and Cry or should I tell her were friends?

Any way we left to go there. I opened the door and looked behind me to see that Cry has his mask on, 'ok' I thought my mum is going to shout at me. She already moans about what I do for a living.

"Mother" I approached her and hugged her, I squeezed her tightly.

"Felix, what are you doing here?" My mum asked me.

"Oh, and who is this?" She took Cry's mask off and shook his hand.

"Hi, its a pleasure to meet you. I'm Cry," he said taking the mask back.

"Hello, well I'm Johanna or just call me Jo ." Mother chuckled and took Cry and me to the kitchen.

Cry's P.O.V


I meet Pewdie's mum, she so nice but kinda small. Jo took me into the kitchen for some tea and was asking me some really weird questions.

"So, why do you wear that mask?" She handed me some tea and biscuits, I thanked her.

"So, when I do my video's I can hide my identity,"

She nodded her head.

"Yeh, there can be some weird people, like Paedophiles, rapists," I nearly spat my tea out. I never thought a person like her would say things like that.

"And you Felix, have you found a job and quit that stupid youtube thing?" She put her tea down and crossed her arms, Jo stared hard at Felix.

"Em, yeh, I'm looking for one" he lied, probably so she wouldn't argue.

"And where is my lovely princesses Marzia?" Johanna picked up her tea again and took a biscuit.

"Oh, she's at home looking after Maya," Pewds wasn't going to tell his mum, I understand why but it kind off hurt my feelings. I ignored it.

We left, without a word. It was raining, really bad. Pewds hand span and span around the steering wheel. The tires span. I bumped my head. Blood gushed out. Pewds screamed. It stopped.

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