chap 2 the party

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Later i'm sitting in my room with my door closed and i hear all the boys pile in the apartment and i get up to lock my door so they don't come in.

you hear a knock at your door

"hey YN it's Izzy let me in" Izzy asks

he knocks harder

"Y/N come on! you have to see this!"

he seemed impatient

i walk over to my door, hesitating then unlocking it so see izzy standing against the door frame

"what do you want?

as you unlock the door for Izzy he seems very eager for you to come with him he grabs your hand and starts practically dragging you out of the room

"do you remember that thing I said you were gonna find out about?"

"yeah what about it?"

"you'll see" Izzy said with a smug look on his face

"just come with me" he grabbed your wrist and started to drag you out of the room with him

you didn't know what Izzy was talking about but as long as you went with him it couldn't be that bad right?


you walk with him out of your room to the living room and see all the boys sitting on the couches, bottles of booze on the floor and random people you didn't know all over the place

you give izzy a confused look, you had no idea why he was this excited and why he was talking to you.

Izzy just smiled at you with his smirk
"just watch" he whispered to you


slash unfolds the letter from the record company and holds it out in front of you for you to read

you take it from him and read it


"FUCK YEAH WE DID!" steven yells

steven runs up to hug you and all the boys hug eachother and jump around, playing their loud music

As the boys celebrate around you Izzy continues to stand with his smug look his eyes still looking at you in particular

you look back at him and he looks away, walking over to his friends to jump around with them.

as you hug Slash he yells excitedly

"this is gonna be our big break i know it" he turns and grins at everyone in the room

as you walk back to your room you can still hear the music through the hollow walls and you lie back in your bed, hapoy for your brother and his friends

axl and duff leave around 4:30 the next morning and izzy and steven slept on the couch

you hear the sound of quiet footsteps
they seemed to be coming from the living room where Izzy and Steven were sleeping

as you sit up in your bed and listen closer you hear faint whispering

you try your best to make out the words being said but it was hard to grasp what they were saying

you try and ignore it and go back to bed

but a part of you still wonders what they were whispering about

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