Chapter 4

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***The next mornig

The guys wanted to see the girls again but when they entered the vacant lot the girls werent there. They went back to the Curtis estate and there was a noteon the porch and Pony grabbed it and they all headed inside. The note said

' I have Kimi, Cameron,Luna,and Tigerlily. If you want to see them again you will play my game. The game rules are if you tell any one outside of the gang they will die. There are 6 locations before you find you broads. The first location is the jungle gym theres a note underneath it. P.S. you have 3 hours before they run out of air and one is serverly beaten and bleeding. Good luck players.' Last there was a video and the guys watched Kimi take the beatings so her friend wouldnt get hurt the last few second show her bleeding and Cameron, Tigerlily, and Luna looking over her with tears in their eyes.

The guys had concern written all over their face and ran out the door like a cheetah. They made to the jungle gym and like the note said there was another note underneath the jungle gym. It said

' the next location is the Tastey Freeze there is a note in the back of the building.'

They ran again and they got the note from the building. It read

' the 3rd location is the Curtis estate there is a note on Ponys bed'

They looked at each other and ran a mile not one stop to the Curtis estate. There a note stated

'The vacant lot tree there is a note.'

***1 hour past

They made it to the last location which is drive-in and the last note devestated and pissed them off. The note stated

'Ha you thought that I would tell you where they are. The other people who played my game never found their friends or loved ones, so fooled you hahahaha.'

Pony threw the note down and felt something crunch inside Kimi's jacket he open the pocket and opened the letter. It said ' hey, we are at the construction sight buried in brownish- black dirt.' Pony smiled and started running toward the construction sight the guys followed after him callung his name. But Pony ignored it. When the guys caught up to Pony they said " face it we wont find them they are as good as dead". Then Pont felt something and kept digging. When they finished digging they a door and opened it and their was Kimi, Cameron,Luna,and Tigerlily. Cameron held up Kimi to get her out first. Next was Cameron. Then Tigerlily. Then Luna.

****At the Curtis estate

They were waiting anxiously to wake up. Finally she woke up and glared at everyone. "Whos bright idea was it to say to give up and they are as good as dead". Kimi was angry everyone can tell that. Then she stormed out the door. Pony started to go after her but Cameron stopped him and said, " its ok she needs to cool off, plus i know where shes going." "Where", they all asked. " to the drive-in she digs movies and books she always has this quote she says is her favorite". "What is it". "Stay gold". Then Cameron smiled with a tear " she always says that to me because she never wants me in the bad crowd".

****2 hours later

Kimi came back and she looked better than when she stormed out the door. Cameron hugged her and Kimi wispered in her ear " stay gold, Cameron". Then she yelled to Tigerlily and Luna "you to". Cameron lets go and asks "why dont you just say what you said to me to them". Kimi looked down and looked up worried and a hurt look on her face she explained " because they would think im babing them and claim im not their mother and go with the bad crowd, im scared for y'alls safety". Then Kimi walked into the living room, plops down on the couch, and instantly falls asleep.

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