Chapter 2- The Empty City

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[WARNING: This fanfic contains elements of horror, blood and gore, if you feel sensitive to this don't read it! This fanfic also has no connection to any of my other AU's!]

Driving through the desert, Rupert realizes it's getting dark, he looks to his side in the passenger seat to see Dave leaning against the glass with a tired look holding his hat.

Rupert looks at him with a pitying look, he looks at the backseat in the rearview mirror, Henry was lying in the backseats looking at the ceiling, the metal bar was covered by his coat in which was bloody.

"when we arrive, the first thing we're going to do is go to our houses and get what we can take with us, we're not fucking going to stay in town with this infestation..." Dave agrees not saying nothing, Price sighs looking at his friend sympathetically.

"look, it's going to be ok, I promise..." he puts a hand on Dave's shoulder still looking at the road ahead. Dave looks at him with a sad, scared look.

Rupert can see the city from afar, his eyes widen and Dave and Henry react the same way looking through the windshield of the car. There was smoke coming out of various parts of the city, they manage to check several truck cars at the entrance completely destroyed and some on fire. "what the fuck happened..." rupert asks whispering in disbelief.

Rupert continues driving, dodging the ones that were destroyed on the way until they enter the city. They looked out of the car windows, seeing the emptiness of the city they had lived in for most of their lives.

"what the hell happened..?" Dave asks covering his mouth in shock at the state of the city. Rupert continues driving a few kilometers, they manage to avoid attracting attention from the things that infest the city, and arrive at a group of apartments on a street.

"What is this place?" Henry asked using sign language, surprising both Rupert and Dave as they were getting out of the car. "Oh, do you speak via sign language? Well..." Dave puts a hand to his chin wondering how to respond to him. "This is the apartment Dave lives in." Rupert coldly responds by closing the car door and heading towards Dave's apartment holding his pistol.

Dave turns to Rupert and follows him a little, He turns to him and looks in Henry's direction before following Rupert, "Rup, are you okay..?" Dave asks with an Expression of concern, Rupert looks at his friend before looking away. Dave could have sworn he saw an expression of cold guilt.

"Rup... Is this because of Johnny-" Dave is interrupted by rupert raising his arm in protection and they hear a noise coming from ahead, doing Know how to cover his mouth in fear.

It was one of the creatures coming from one of the open apartments, decrepit skin and dead eyes like the ones at the police station. Staggering to and fro with a ghastly groan, it sees them By tilting your head towards the door, it starts running towards them in a disturbing scream.

Rupert plane carrying the pistol, aiming for the head the creature prepared to shoot, but for a second, he blinked, freezing with his hand on the trigger, he saw his friend Johnny. Rupert can't pull the trigger, Dave pulls his arm to the side causing them to fall to the ground as the creature lunges towards Price and passes straight through them.

The creature then sees Henry just ahead and charges at him, within seconds, Henry pressed down hard on the metal bar and with one hand knocked the bar off in midair, hitting the creature's head with such force that the thing flies to the ground next to Henry, scattering blood and brains on the ground, Henry staggered back, his breathing heavy and shaking hands gripping the metal bar tightly.

Dave was was in complete shock looking at Henry, but his attention returns to the friend next to him, "Rup! What happened??" He asks with his hands on Rupert's shoulders, at which he looks down with bulging eyes and equally heavy breathing. "Rupert, tell me what's going on..?" Dave caresses his friend's face trying to calm him down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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