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Being full of a camp with so many people was definitely a weird experience for Artemis. Obviously, he'd been camping, but never with about thirty plus people.

But the camp was very great full to have him around. And his cats, of course.

No one expected to keep any pets during an apocalypse, but Artemis was determined to keep his cats. And so he did.

Artemis was able to make a deal with Shane, who was thankfully someone he knew from the past. He was surprised to see only Lori, Carl, and Shane. He'd never gotten to hear about Rick due to Terry not allowing him contact with anyone.

Suddenly, the cb radio going off caught everyone's attention.

"Hello, hello. Can anyone hear my voice?" A mysterious voice asks.

A girl named Amy steps up to the radio, attempting to answer the voice. "Hey, hello?"

"Can you hear my voice?" The voice asks again.

"Yes, I can hear you. You're coming through. Over." Amy responds.

"If anybody hears this, please respond."

"I don't think he can hear us." Artemis speaks up, saying the obvious. Amy ignores him.

"We're just outside the city. Damn it. Hello? Hello? He couldn't hear me. I couldn't warn him." Amy sighs.

"Try to raise him again." Dale tells Amy.

As Shane appears, Dale yells to him. "Come on, son! You know best how to work this thing."

Shane approaches the radio. "Hello, hello. Is the person who called still on the air?" He waits a second before saying something else. "This is Officer Shane Walsh broadcasting a person unknown. Please respond."

Shane waits just one more second, only getting radio silence. "He's gone." Shane sighs.

Carl and Lori approach the group, Lori holding Carl close. "There are others. It's not just us." She speaks, hopeful.

"We knew there would be. That's why we left the cb on." Shane states the obvious.

"A lot of good that's been doing." Lori retorts, earning a smirk from Artemis. Sassy Lori was his favorite side of his best friend.

"Okay -" Shane tried to interrupt, but Lori wasn't having any of it.

"And I've been saying for a week we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people away from the city."

"Folks have no idea what they're getting into." Amy agrees with Lori.

"Well, we haven't had time." Shane attempts to argue.

"I think we need to make time."

"Yeah, that--that's a luxury we can't afford. We are surviving here. We are day to day." Shane argues once more.

"And who the hell do you propose we send?" Dale speaks up.

"I'll go, give me a vehicle." Lori says.

"I'll go too." Artemis speaks up, agreeing with Lori.

"Nobody goes anywhere alone. You know that." Shane denies.

"Yes, sir." Lori rolls her eyes and tries to walk away, Carl following behind her.

Shane holds Carl behind, telling him to stay with Artemis. Shane follows Lori, entering her tent.

Carl huffs, going to stand with Artemis. Artemis pats the young boy on the head, trying to comfort him.

He'd gotten the feeling that this would be a long day.


sorry, this is kind of short, but I needed something to write. i ate the last half of a tub of ice cream while writing this :')

hope yall enjoyed

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