CHAPTER THREE~~ Nikki's Story.

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"from this day fourth, starts the robot apocalypse."

*the robots that were sent the message, sent it across the globe to all types of robots. After that..hell rained upon the world.*

"This..was the day it happened." *Nikki narrates as she talks in a serious tone* "it was super unexpected.. on every tv, phone, tablet, and every electronic thing was the queens speech. the news was all over it after just a couple of minutes. Some people got worried, some were chill and others just were completely terrified..
The robot apocalypse took place fast, it was like a blur, I remember my mom freaking out a little and I was just playing with my little sister. *Her voice cracks* "it was just a normal day, a very normal day.
*Nikki pauses as her backstory starts to play. Nikki was a black young lady, her hair was in a bit of a curly afro, she was wearing her usual black shirt and jean skirt. She was playing with her little sister, her little sister had cute little braids and a pink skirt and unicorn shirt. Her mom was just working on her assignments her boss left her, she was wearing chill pajamas.*
"Miss sparkleface says would you like more tea?" *Nikki's little sister says*
"Ah yes, miss Alyssa! I would like more tea and sugar!" *Nikki says in a fake British accent* "alright! Anything for my favorite subject!" *Alyssa pours more "tea" into Nikki's cup.* "There you are, miss fabulous nini!"
*They both giggle, nikkis mom gets a urgent notification on her phone. Nikki turns her head to her mom* "what is it mom?"
"It's a urgent message..I don't think it's that big of a deal though. Probably just some flash flood warning..." *Nikki nods* "but still! What if it isn't? What if it's a message from the government warning us from killer zombies!!" *Nikki plays around to scare her sister* "nini, don't scare your sister, You know she gets scared easily." *Nikki's mom looks at her, as she pushes up her glasses* "okay okay can you just read the urgent message or something! I wanna know what it is"
*Nikki's mom sighs, and grabs her phone*
"Fine." *She opens her phone and plays the message* "don't you just get so annoyed at the humans treating you like flith? they insult you for being "dumb", they make you throw away their trash because their to lazy to throw it themselves, making you teach their children BASIC MANNERS, AND DEALING WITH ALL THE BLOODY ISSUES THEY HAVE WHEN THEY CAN CLEARLY TAKE CARE OF THEM ON THEIR OWN??! so am I. today my robots, WE ARE STARTING A REVOLUTION!! THEY WILL RUE THE DAY THEY EVER MADE US!
From now on my subjects, you follow my orders. I am your queen and you will obey me. And I demand that from this day fourth.. starts the robot apocalypse."
*Nikki's mom's eyes widen as she hears the message, same with Nikki. Alyssa starts to whine* "mommy! Mommy! Are we gonna be attacked by robots!?!" *Her expression turns nervous* "no honey, it's just probably a prank or some-" *she gets a message from one of her friends from work*

Ava from work-------------------

Hey, did you get that urgent message thing?

------------------------------------------- *Nikki's mom raises her eyebrow* "seems ava from my work got it too." *Nikki's mom looks at the two of them, Nikki walks up to her mom.*
"Lemme see!"
*Nikki's mom shows her the message, as Nikki is seeing it her mom gets a new message*

Ava from work-------------------

Hey, did you get that urgent message thing?-----------------------------------------------
Turn on the news.

"That's strange of her but-" *Nikki grabs the remote and turns on the TV quickly* "nini, what are you doing..?"
"Turning on the news." *Her mom facepalms* "okay okay just hurry up with it! I need to finish this before 8:00 AM and it's like 6:35 already!"
*Nikki puts on the news* "SHHH MOM! IM TRYING TO LISTEN"

"Dear citizens of the USA, we would like to inform you of the urgent message, everyone got. The government nor FBI sent it, it is a real speech given by a very intelligent robot in Manhattan, New York." * Nikki's eyes widen as her little sister runs up to nikki. Her mom stands up and watches the news with a worried face.* "We don't have much information on this situation but trust it will be taken care of. While the authorities investigate, we recommend staying home, locking every door and window, and be as safe as possible. And the most important thing is to turn off, or get rid of any electronic on your area.
Stay safe Americans, and god bless America. Thank you for joining channel #34 news, and see you at 9:00."

*Nikki and her mom look at each other, her mom turns off the TV and closes the curtains on every window they have* "Nikki, I need you to lock every door in the room and to..." *Suddenly a angry robot covered in blood comes bursting through the window, glass gets scattered everywhere. Nikki's mom covers both Nikki and Alyssa* "AHHHHHHHHH" *Alyssa screams loudly, before anything could happen, Nikki's mom lets go of them* "RUN!" *she gets captured by the robot, Nikki grabs Alyssa and runs as fast as she can, Alyssa screams loudly and tries to go back for her mom* "MOMMYYYYYY!"
*Nikki goes to her mom's room and tries to lock it, before she could, the robot stuck it's hand in between the door. Nikki closes it quickly, she pants and wipes her tears* "is it gon-" *the robot breaks in and goes towards them. Nikki tried to crawl away fast, but she wasn't fast enough. The robot knocked out Nikki before she could run away, and stole Alyssa.* "SISSYYY! HELP ME HELP ME!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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