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As we made our way inside my room, my gaze flickered between Ruhan and Veer Bhai

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As we made our way inside my room, my gaze flickered between Ruhan and Veer Bhai. Bhai was constantly giving Ruhan a very dangerous look.

I sighed and made my way towards the bathroom to get changed.

"I'll be back soon. Be civilized and don't fight, okay?" I told them both and made my way in there.

Not before reminding them again
"Be civilized and don't fight."

Even thought they looked at me weirdly, they knew why I said so. They just have had a big fight on who's gonna pay for the French fries on the drive thru.

It was paid by Ruhan finally, and bhai has been giving him the dangerous look since then.

As I came back, I saw them talking about something calmly.

I just heaved a sigh of relief. Finally they weren't running after each other's throat.

Too soon.

My conscience screamed when bhai splashed a glass full of water on Ruhan. In front of my eyes.

"BHAI! what the hell are you doing?" I asked him and Ruhan stood up in shock. I then, helped him to remove some water from his clothes and hair.

"He deserves it. Plus it's just water, there's no harm." Bhai said to me, still eyeing Ruhan.

And I just knew that Ruhan was quiet for my sake. Soon, he made his way towards the bathroom.

"Wait. I'll help you." I shouted and ran behind him.

"Why? He have hands. He can help himself." Veer Bhai caught one of my hands which made me turn to him. Is he for real right now?

"Shut up bhai. You don't have a say in it, when it's all your fault." I was irritated by bhai's behaviour. I mean, I always knew he was kinda weird. I just didn't know he was this weird.

"Come on Ruhan." I told to him, who was standing by the gate of the washroom.


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Is the dude mad or something? Like he must have lost his braincells somewhere while driving here.

Firstly he talked to me like that, then he didn't let Akira take the money, then when she gave it to Mrs. Gupta he was constantly eyeing me. Even now he was.

When we were getting french fries to eat from the drive thru, he still had problem in that. He even started an argument on whose car we were going to drive in.

And now, he splashed the water on me. There wasn't even any reason. I just praised the decor of Akira's room. And I thought we were civilized enough to talk like adults.

Guess I was wrong. Very wrong.

"Remove the shirt now or else you'll catch cold." Akira said to me while walking towards me with two towels in her hands.

"Okay." I said and did as she said.

She tried her best to not look my way and I bit back a smile.

It's all yours to look and touch. You can as much as you want! I wanted to tell her but I stayed quite.

 You can as much as you want! I wanted to tell her but I stayed quite

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