Abeloth vs Kao Cen Darach

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Physical Strength: Kao Cen Darach
1-0: Kao Cen Darach
Emotional Strength: Abeloth
1-1: Tied
Mental Strength: Abeloth
2-1: Abeloth
Speed: Abeloth
3-1: Abeloth
Stamina: Abeloth
4-1: Abeloth
Agility: Abeloth
5-1: Abeloth
Acrobatics: Kao Cen Darach
5-2: Abeloth
Intelligence: Abeloth
6-2: Abeloth
Battle Intelligence: Kao Cen Darach
6-3: Abeloth
Offensive Saber Dueling: Kao Cen Darach
6-4: Abeloth
Defensive Saber Dueling: Kao Cen Darach
6-5: Abeloth
Overall Dueling: Kao Cen Darach
6-6: Tied
Experience: Abeloth
7-6: Abeloth
Force Strength: Abeloth
8-6: Abeloth
Force Abilities: Abeloth
9-6: Abeloth
Winner: Abeloth
Difficulty: Easy

I've put this at easy simply because Abeloth would wipe the floor with Master Darach before he could do much else.

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