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I hold her limp body in my arms, examining each of her limbs separately, hoping for some kind of a reaction. I even reach for her wrist to find a pulse, trying to concentrate on the beating of her heart until I remember she no longer has a heartbeat.

She's okay. She's going to be okay. I can feel it, I can feel her lingering presence, residing in her body. If she weren't going to be okay, my bones would be rattling inside of my body right now, ready to detach themselves from each other.

"Okay," Caroline says wearily, "What was that?" She asks something we're all thinking, but she's the only one capable enough to speak.

I lift Elena from the floor, all the weight of her body resting in my arms, and put her down on the sofa. There's nothing I can do, there's nothing any of us can do, until she wakes up.

I turn around. Damon is already holding a glass of something in his hands, drinking his feelings, swallowing his problems with acid that burns his stomach not too much, but just enough. Bonnie is standing opposite of him, her hands clasped together and her head bowed down.

Caroline is looking at me, expectantly, expecting from me to know all the answers.

"She's sending you straight to Hell?!" She raises her voice, panicking, "What's that supposed to mean?" Her arms go around her body, shielding it from whatever danger might come her way, even if it's in the form of words. Words cut your skin like paper, leaving small marks, almost invisible, judging by how fast they heel. Like it never happened. But they go deeper into your skin, sinking into your body, spreading through every vein like blood, until they become a part of you. Not a reminder, not a memory, but an atom, an essential part of who you are, what you are.

I shrug. "I don't know." I say, wishing I could provide her with a better answer. I wish I could provide myself with one.

Caroline throws her arms in the air and when she speaks again, her voice sounds tired, exhausted, "I can't believe this is happening again." She buries her face in her open palms.

I understand her. It's always something. One thing after another.

"She's more powerful than I've initially thought." Bonnie says, still looking at the floor, her voice shy, silent.

I still my look on her, hoping to get her attention, hoping that the intensity of my look will make her raise her head, but it doesn't. She doesn't want to face anyone. She's embarrassed, and I know why. I can understand why. I wish there was a way for me to help her.

"I think we should pay another visit to Wanda." I say, because I don't know what else to do. I don't know where to go from here.

It would be foolish of us not to take the threats of a woman in love seriously.

My words shake Damon up from whatever stillness he had caught himself in. He whips his head up, his hair flying around his face, and he locks his eyes on me, burning them into my very existence. "Bonnie can handle it." He says, sure enough in what he's saying. Bonnie doesn't budge at his words.

I try to remain calm, because I'm not in the mood for another fight, or argument, or whatever he has on his mind. "I'm not saying that she can't." My voice is calm, peaceful, silent, letting him know I'm not upset. "I'm saying we could use a little help."

He doesn't take his eyes off of me, staring at me like I've said something incomprehensible.

Then, I hear Elena calling my name. Jacob, she says faintly.

And at this moment, that's the only answer I need.

I take Elena up to my room. She woke up disoriented, with no memory of what happened to her. The last thing she remembers is sitting down on a chair. Her wrists are healed, there's no trace of her nails going into her skin. I took care of the blood trail. She's tired and sleepy, there's no energy left in her body, and the last thing she needs is us fighting over her head.

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