Chapter 1: Meeting a weird person

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???: Oi Rebecca are we there yet?

A boy with spiky crimson hair questioned an ash blonde female. This male is Elliot Crimson, well it's not like many people know his last name, only the master of his Guild. Elliot wears a high-collared black jacket with some purple linings on it, underneath it is a black turtleneck with white linings.

Rebecca: Almost Elliot.

This female is Rebecca Bluegarden. Rebecca has ash-blonde hair and she wears a sleeveless white shirt with some blue on it that stopped at her stomach along with a short skirt.

A blue cat with white stomach and white at the tip of his tail, wears a cube like thing on his neck with a heart shape. This cat is Happy.

Happy: Look the Granbell Kingdom is in view now!

Says Happy while pointing at an island. Rebecca looked at the island in awe, while Elliot only sighed in relief that they were finally near their destination.

Elliot: Finally.

Happy: Huh, is it really long?

Rebecca: In his case it is.

Rebecca shrugged Happy's question.

Happy: Well, his always been like that since we met him.

Rebecca: Oh yeah, where did you go last year?

Happy: Yeah, you came back with bandages all over your body.

Elliot didn't answer them and his hair covered his eyes. Confused by Elliot's lack of answer, Rebecca asked him.

Rebecca: What's wrong?

Happy: Did you have a fight?

Elliot: It's nothing. C'mon lets go.

However Rebecca and Happy weren't convinced with his answer but decided to follow him to the theme park they were going. They noticed him clenching his fist.

Elliot's pov.

I can't drag them to my problems. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I looked at Rebecca and Happy, they wore a worried expression.

Happy: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah.

I put on a fake smile trying to convince them, unfortunately it didn't.

Rebecca: You sure?

Me: Why?

Happy: 'Cause you've been clenching your fist for a while now, to the point where it bled.

I looked at my hands to see it bleeding, Happy is right I clenched my fist too much that it bled.

Rebecca: If there's anything bothering you, you cañ talk to me.

I don't want them to get involved with my problems, so to do that I gotta stop making them worried.

Me: Ok.

We continued walking. I remembered the words that Witch-, no that person told me.


I was at the ground heavily injured from that fight. The person who I fought came near me and spoke, eyes filled with regret and sadness, but I just glared at the person.

???: Get stronger, so that the next time we see each other we can fight again.

After that the person who I considered as a murderer left me wondering many thing.

(*Flashback end*)

Those words were mixed with the voice of sadness, pain and regret.
That was the last time I heard that person's voice, after those words, there was a part within me that wanted something from that person.

I questioned myself something I coudn't even answer. Do I even want revenge? What do I want from that person? Is it really revenge I seek or is it something?

I never really found the answer to my question's, so I decided to ignore it and continued my revenge.

I stopped at my tracks making Rebecca and Happy stop and look at me. I let out a single tear making them panic.

Rebecca's pov.

Me and Happy were talking about what was wrong with Elliot. I've never seen him clench his fist so hard to the point where it bled.

His been quiet for a while I looked at him and he looks like his in a deep thought. He stopped all of a sudden making me and Happy stop and look at him, he shed a single tear.

3rd pov.

Elliot wiped the tear that came from his eyes. Rebecca asked if he was okay, he replied with a single nod. She decided to not meddle on it too much.

Rebecca's pov.

I won't meddle too much on Elliot's problem, even if I meddle, he won't tell me or anyone. I looked at him again to see him deep in thought's again.

We continued walking towards the Theme Park. After moments later we finally arrived.

After seeing us the Bot's in the city celebrated, I looked so excited that I almost forgot what happened earlier. After what the bots were doing I quickly took my B-cube.

Elliot's pov.

As I was thinking about something, I didn't notice that we finally arrived.
When a robot saw us the robots around started looking at us and celebrated. After what the Bot's did Rebecca took her B-cube and started asking something.

(5 minutes later)

We walked in the middle of the forest. If your asking why we're here in the forest, blame Rebecca.

After going through the woods, a bot with cat features suddenly appeared but just suddenly fell.

A boy slightly younger than me, around Rebecca's age is seen sitting at the back of the cat robot head. He looked at us and he appeared infront of Rebecca and stared at her.

The male touched Rebecca all over her body, until latter had enough and punched him.

Rebecca: What is wrong with him?!!!
But wait... I thought there weren't supposed be any humans here!

Happy: He doesn't look like a guest either.

The black haired male changed his position and looked at underneath Rebecca's skirt.

Black haired male: There aren't any other humans, just me.

Rebecca stared at the male for a few second until she blushed furiously and kicked the male.

Male: So you must be what they call a, woman.

He turned to look at me and observed me a few moment's.

Male: A human woman and male and a cat.

Me: I'm sure we have the same the same gender.

He didn't listen and just looked at Happy.

Male: A cat!! Oohh!!! Can I eat it?

Me: No.

Rebecca: What is wrong with him?

The male glared at us and he moved forward to Rebecca, while the latter only tried to clam him down. The male took out oe of his hands.

Male: Will...Will you be my friends?

Me: Huh?

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