Chapter One: The Meeting

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Anna's POV

Oak, salt water, smoke, electric blue eyes, coffee colored hair, this man was standing so close to me that if I stuck my hand out I could touch him, but he felt so far away. He felt like home, yet I can't recall ever meeting him. His mouth opened and he spoke but no sound escaped, his lips moving looking as if he was calling out my name, eventually noise erupted from his throat and I was jolted awake.

"ANNA, get your ass up this instant" The noise that pulled me from my sleep was the shrill voice of my foster mother bolting through my bedroom door.

"Explain to me why you are still in bed at this ungodly hour, instead of downstairs preparing breakfast?" She did not give me time to respond before I was yanked up by my hair and pulled out of bed, falling to the floor like a sack of potatoes. I opened my mouth to try and come up with something to say that may ease the torture I am about to receive. I am met with a swift kick to my ribs knocking the air out of me.

" Do not make up excuses for your laziness, get downstairs before I wake Henry to deal with your blatant disobedience." she sneered, looking disgusted that I am even in her presence. I scrambled quickly to my feet not wanting to get another beating especially from Henry. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen quickly making eggs, bacon, and toast for them. I glanced up at the clock and saw that it is half past 7 a.m. and Henry should be coming down the stairs any second. I quickly plate up the food for them and made my way back to my "bedroom" in the attic avoiding him entirely. I quickly rummaged through the two boxes that hold all of my possessions to get ready for my first day at Ember Falls High. We had to move as the locals in our last town were growing suspicious of my foster parents' treatment of me. I slipped into a pair of worn out skinny jeans and a sweater two sizes too big before tying my hair up in a bun out of my face and rushing back down the stairs hoping not to get caught.

I thankfully made it out the door and down the street without being noticed. I sigh in relief before starting my journey to the school. As the school made its way into my line of vision my pulse quickened, realizing just how nervous I was to be starting a new school in the middle of senior year, and reminding myself that I need to keep a low profile or I would certainly pay for it if anyone found out about my home life.

I made it to the doors and as I turned down the hall to get to the locker that I was shown to over the weekend when I visited, I rammed into a wall or so I thought. I prepared to break my fall but it never came. I opened my eyes to meet shocking blue ones and noticed his hand clasped around my wrist, which now I realize is oddly burning. I pulled away quickly.

" I am so so so sorry, please forgive me, I did not see you!" hastily apologizing, worrying that I angered the man in front of me. His eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement.

It's quite alright, it is my fault, truly. I rounded the corner quite fast, not really paying attention to others around me." he smiled. I noticed that he sniffed the air, and his mood darkened. " What's your name, I don't think we have met?" he kind of growled, seeming as if he was not pleased with not meeting me before now. I shuddered, feelings of turmoil bubbling in me as if I was displeased to have upset him, yet this is the first time we have ever met.

"An..Anna," I stuttered. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?

"Anna, do you think it wise to move into another pack's territory without meeting with its Alpha first?" he questioned. Confusion filled my brain. Pack? Alpha? What is this guy on about? I guess he noticed my confusion because his face softened and he put a hand on my shoulder, the burning sensation sparked again, and I guess he noticed it this time as well, he quickly pulled his hand back, and looked at me. I could have sworn his eyes turned solid black for a moment.

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