
13 2 6

As days go by
My love grows bigger
A silly crush is what I called this
I realized, you're more than that

As we talked, every compliment made me blush
When we walked around, you always made me laugh
I wanted to give everything to you
But my love wasn't the one you wanted

You had your eyes on someone else
Someone better, prettier, smarter than me
I was always second best to them
I wondered why couldn't I be first instead

You looked happier with her
I thought, how can I be her
You blushed when she talked to you
I thought, why can't I be her

You gave your love to her
But she thought different
A friendship was all she craved
Not anything more than that

You came to me crying
Saying, she thinks of you only as a friend
I comforted you thinking is this my chance
I told you a few days after and you left

No answer from you for several days
I cried myself to sleep, thinking what did I do wrong
You avoided me for over a month before I was able to stop you
I told you, I'm sorry and that I moved on

You accepted my apology
Not knowing that my love only grew bigger
Until this day I was to watch you fall for someone
And get refused multiple times

One day though, you told me
That you loved me and as badly as I wanted to accept
It felt no more than just a rebound
I told you that I need time

But you grabbed me by my shoulders and told me
Please, you're my only love, I need you
I wanted to believe you but something told me to not
I said I'm sorry, I cant and ran

Ran from you, and all the problems that came with you
I ran to a park at a certain tree where we used to always stay
I cried and cried and said I'm sorry
I went home with tear stained cheeks and red eyes

I begged my parents to let me transfer
And with the state I was in, they agreed
We got on a plane and escaped this complicated life
I started over and you traumatized me to be so cautious

I rarely fell in love anymore and if I did, I was scared
Would it end the same way or not?
For one, I accepted and now they are sitting beside me as I write this
So to my past silly crush, thank you and goodbye forever

starts a poetry book cuz this wont fit in the messages


poetryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora