Neighborhood and Packages

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Kasukabe's POV:
I was walking around the new neighborhood, that I had just moved in alone, yep that's right I'm 18 and my mom thought it would be a great idea to let me see the world in a grown ups perspective as long as I kept good grades and attended the high school my dad was the principal of nearby. It was a chilly fall evening so I decided to wear some black skinny jeans and some caramel uggs with a New York sweater to top it all off my hair was thrown to the side.(her hair is long in this story)
On my journey to actually when I think about it I don't know where, I found a Starbucks and I order an iced caramel large latte. And continued my walk, I ended up at a cute little park that looked popular but just no kids,guess it was to cold, I sat on a swing and just thought about the new home and school I'll be living and going to. Tbh it all just felt like a lot for a teenage girl.
I made it home at around 10pm and decide to make me some Oden with Gyoza and Mugicha tea. Tbh it was delicious after dinner I texted my mom:
Hey Okasan
Hey SWEETIE I miss u already how is it so far
Gr8t. Wat r u guys doing.
Oh we just ate dinner. Hey did u get what I sent in the mail yet?
No but I've been gone all day sightseeing so I'll check later k
K!!!! We hope u like them anyway it's 11 y don't u go to bed tell your dad I said hi.
K Ja'ne.
I went to go see what was in the mail she wanted me to get and it was a big box I'm surprise it fit in there. I sit on the couch and open the box an I found: my school uniform, a photo album of my family and me, picture frames, and and and $50,000 from no other than my parents.
I laid down in my super comfy bed and drifted off into sleep. Thinking about what this high school has in store for me.

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