You being a guitarist

691 13 0

Normal guitar or an electric guitar

Michael Myers:

he finds it secretly attractive, whenever you play a song he'll sit beside or in front of you to listen to you play, and if you played his favorite song he'll quietly mumble the lyrics or humming along with it

Jason Voorhees:

he finds it hot, he enjoys listening to you play whenever he's doing something else, he also thinks your very talented and

Ghostface (billy&stu)

Billy would LOVE it, he's a fan of this kind of music and he knows how to play the guitar a bit to, stu would also enjoy it and would ask you and billy to teach him
(they also find it extremely hot)


He finds you so cool and likes to hear you play the guitar

The miner:

he find it very attractive, he would ask you to play him his favorite song all the time

Norman Bates:

he likes to sing while you play the guitar, norma tho...i don't think she's really a big fan of it

Brahms Heelshire:

he knows how to play the piano so he'll play with you, sometimes he'll sit there at the piano blushing as red as a tomato

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