Chapter 15: Physically exhausted

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"STOP! LET GO OF ME!" The bunny guards had my arms in their grasp, not letting go no matter how hard I kicked.

They brought me to a circular classroom, every seat apart from one filled by demented students, their heads lolling about uncontrollably as if they were puppets. I looked up to see the second story balcony lining the inside with a fence, even more bunnies pacing steadily around to keep the students in control. A teacher was walking up and down the aisles with a wooden ruler locked in her palm. Her face was sour and bright red lips were pursed.

The bunnies forced me onto the chair at the empty desk and locked me in with the same straps as when I was in the nurse's office. I let out a loud and shrill scream that stung my throat.

"Shut up!" the teacher slapped the ruler against my desk, making me jump.

I finally gave in with the struggling and let out a sigh.

Here we go again.

Three of the nurse's that had captured me earlier that month strode into the classroom, each holding a needle syringe full of the same brown liquid.

I watched in dread as they all flicked the needle with their index finger and thumb, before plunging it deep into the kids' arms in the row in front of me. They immediately lifted their hanging heads and a bright, teethy smile was painted on their faces.

I squeezed my eyes shut and looked away as a nurse approached me with a needle, bracing myself for the pain.

My eyes widened as I felt the energy spread through my veins and around my body, making it light and slightly numb. I lifted my head and uncontrollably smiled, although on the inside I was the opposite of happy.

Once everyone had been refuelled, the patrolling teacher spoke.

"Now is time for silent reading!"

She walked over to the old fashioned telephone on the wall and dialled a number in, before holding it up to her ear and beginning to talk in hushed tones.

Everyone slid their books out of their bags at the same time including me. My cheeks started to hurt and I tried to pull the corners of my mouth down, but I was paralysed.

I opened the book on my desk to my unfinished page and my wide eyes drifted along the words, although they couldn't process through my brain that was now incapable of feeling.

My knuckles beated as I looked up, a tear of oxalate dropping from my eyes and onto the page.

My eyes slightly flickered black along with my grin as I tried to use my powers to escape the locks. I swallowed down my sorrow and my throat stung from me attempting to hold back a river of cries.

All of a sudden, my thoughts turned into Leo, the principal's son. I pictured him in pain. Seeing my face everywhere. Going insane. That would make him free me.

Leo Leo Leo. Please... let me go...

The snap of the door opening awoke me from my daydream. The principal's son walked in, a worried expression on his face. He began his way over to me with his hands deep into his pockets.

Thank god it worked.

I shut my eyes and half lost consciousness. I was still awake, but physically exhausted to the point I couldn't move. The only thing I could feel was the sudden loosen around my wrists as my straps were undone.

I looked up at Leo in surprise and he looked around the classroom anxiously. He grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me quickly out the room.

"Hey, what..." I trailed off as the controlling substance wore off. He dragged me through the hallways, always a few steps ahead of me.

He ignored me before coming to a halt and turning to me. He brought his face in to an unwanted closeness. So close I could feel his hot and minty breath against my skin.

"What do you think you're playing at, huh?" He says with a scowl, pacing around a fixed point with his arms clutching his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

I know exactly what he's talking about.

"Ff- just get to class," he grunted and ushered me away. I quickly complied with a small smirk on my face.


Sorry, another short chapter but I will try to update every Saturday! <3

I hope you enjoyed chapter 15!

Word count: 728


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