Introduction of Chowdary Family

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Aashi Chowdary - 17 years old soon going to be 18 in few months, can't walk from childhood so she use crutches to walk, can't walk without crutches, has recently moved to Bangalore for her Studies, has recently joined college, ladli of the family, Best Friend and Soul Sister of Ananya, Best Friend of Meet

Harsh Chowdary - 51 years old lives in Tamil Nadu after getting retired, loves his wife a lot, loves all Chowdary Siblings equally, loves his daughter a lot, never scold her or let anybody else scold her, fulfill all her wises, is always worried about her future

Neharika Chowdary - 45 years old a housewife, loves all the Chowdary Siblings equally, is always worried about her daughter's future, scold her to at least take responsibilities and her duties seriously now

Kailash Chowdary - 60 years old lives in Tamil Nadu after getting retired, loves his wife a lot, but get irritated with her selfie problem, loves all Chowdary Siblings equally, but love Aashi a little more, is always worried about her future

Tanisha Chowdary - 56 years old a housewife, loves her son a lot, doesn't like Chowdary Siblings that much, wants a high class daughter-in-law only, loves to take selfie and upload it in social media, you can call her as a selfie addict

Sanjay Chowdary - 25 years old has finished MBA and is looking for a job, loves his family a lot, love Pritika a lot but didn't confess to her till now, is her Best Friend

Pritika Anand - 22 years old is owner of Fantasy Bouquet, loves her family a lot, want to live in a joint family, likes Sanjay but didn't have the courage to confess to him till now, is his Best Friend

Yadav Chowdary - 57 years old lives in Tamil Nadu after getting retired, lives his wife a lot, loves all the Chowdary Siblings equally, but loves Aashi a little more, is always worried about her future only

Poonam Chowdary - 51 years old a housewife, loves his daughters & grand-daughter a lot, doesn't like Chowdary Siblings that much, wanted a rich daughter-in-law but her son did love marriage so doesn't like Aakriti that much, loves to wear expensive jewelries and dresses

Sanjiv Chowdary - 28 years old lives in Banglore, work in an IT Company, loves his wife a lot has recently married her, has done love marriage

Aakriti Chowdary - 23 years old work in an Software company from home only, loves Sanjiv a lot, loves her in-laws a lot, loves Aashi also, has done love marriage

Kartik Reddy - 44 years old brother of Poonam, due to some family problem he had to marry Ishani, is money minded person, doesn't like to work so Yadav send him money every month, always brainwash Esha mind

Ishani Reddy - 27 years old a Taylor, got married to her mother's brother forcefully because of her family pressure, doesn't like him that much,  is living with him because of her daughter only, loves her daughter a lot

Esha Reddy - 8 years old studying in 1st Std, loves her Papa a lot, always listen to him because of which she is very stubborn, always want everything to her only, don't like if anyone praises somebody more than  her

Mayank Iyer - 25 years old had love marriage, loves Tripti a lot, very lazy doesn't like to work much, work in a mill, money minded person always want free money from his father-in-law

Tripti Iyer - 24 years old works in a government hospital as a nurse, had a love marriage, loves Mayank a lot, was very lazy before marriage but became responsible after marriage

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