Chapter 1

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Jung Haewon's POV:

I was sitting there thinking for a couple of minutes, silent at the lunch table. Me and my best friend were sitting next to each other and diagonal of us were 6 boys. They were very loud and it was breaking my train of thought.

"I want tteokbokki." I abruptly spoke and looked at her. She didn't seem to hear me and was staring off into space. I groan quietly and poke her.

"Kairi. I want tteokbokki." I say again, poking her continuously. She finally looked at me and realized I was begging for food.

"Oh, sorry I spaced off.." She said, getting up from the table with me. I did tiny jumps in excitement while following her. My precious tteokbokki, we'll be there soon. We get to the line of food and I looked around for tteokbokki. I found it. I'm so excited~

I get some tteokbokki and grab a few pieces of kimchi as well. I wait for Kairi to get her food and we both sit back down at the lunch table.

"I'm so excited to eat~" I said quietly, picking up my chopsticks. I pick up some tteokbokki and start eating.

While I was eating, I see some people forcefully make those six and loud boys move right in front of us. Well that's just great..

I look up from taking a bite and see all of them right in front of us. I look at Kairi and see her staring at one of the boys. I trace her eyesight and see her staring at Taesan. He was at the end of the line of the six boys. I smile slightly when I look at Taesan. He's been my crush since I was in middle school.

I snap out of it and avoid eye contact with any of them. I continue eating my food when I hear Kairi talk to one of them.

"Oh yeah, Leehan, are we still decorating the fish homes after school?" The boy in question stopped talking and looked at her. His face seemed to brighten up at hearing the word 'fish.'

"Sure. I'll meet you in front of school once it ends." He says in response. Leehan goes back to talking to his friends and I shove the rest of my food in my mouth. There's too many people here. I get up and put my dirty plate up. I didn't wait for Kairi since I knew she wanted to talk to Leehan more.

I leave the cafeteria and I head to my art class. I enter the class and sit down in my designated seat. I check the time on my phone and realize that there was still 10 minutes till class starts. The teacher wasn't even in the classroom yet so I continued watching stuff on my phone.

A couple of minutes past and I see a boy walk in. I see him look for his seat and he looks at the desk next to me. I guess that one has his name on it. I look at him again and realize he's one of the 6 boys that sat in front of us at lunch. I look back at my phone when I see another boy walk in. And another one..

I look back at my phone and scroll on it. I tried to stop thinking about Taesan, but it was inevitable. He was just too perfect in my eyes. I sigh quietly and continue scrolling on my phone while waiting for class to start.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 22 ⏰

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