Chapter 18

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"Does your past interfere with the present?"

"No. I don't let what has already passed negatively affect my life."

(from Rina's interview for the magazine 'Stargazer')

Nikolai rushed to the capital quickly, in adrenaline anger, not noticing either weakness or the fact that the T-shirt on the right side was soaked through. And only when he was in the apartment, he suddenly felt fatigue, pain, and despair. Accidentally looking at himself in the mirror, Nikolai understood why the pharmacist at the pharmacy anxiously asked if he should call a doctor. He really looked sick and frightened. It's a good thing he drove home first, and didn't rush straight to Volkovs. He would have made a great commotion if he had come to them in this form!

Nikolai decided not to tell anything on the phone, but to meet Rina's friends in person. Vsevolod also didn't ask premature questions, just reset the address and wrote that he was waiting for him in two hours - the time needed for packing and traveling.

There was half an hour left before the exit. Nikolai pulled off his T-shirt and immediately sent it to the trash. Then he undressed and got into the shower to wash off the blood, and at the same time anger and despair. The side burned like hell even under cool water, reminding of Lebedev's sneering grin. But the soul hurt much more - for Rina, who fell into the clutches of a monster. Nikolai gritted his teeth, squeezed his eyes shut and imagined smashing his fist into Lebedev's face. And even better - how the creatures from the river devour him. Not much, but it felt better.

There was no time to shave: almost all the time was spent on dressing. Someone else was looking at Nikolai from the mirror, because he had never had such an angry and at the same time desperate look before. Coupled with the dark stubble on his cheeks, a black T-shirt and an arm bandaged up to the elbow, he looked like he was just walking around the guests. But if a storm is raging in the soul, and the eyes are obscured by darkness, he can't stick a sweet smile on his face. Already going down the stairs, Nikolai thought that he had never felt so lost in his life, even when he almost lost his freedom.

Already starting the engine, he appealed to common sense and tried to remind himself that this fragile girl with dark eyes and an incredible voice was, in fact, nobody to him. So did he to her. So, an uninvited guest who ate her candy, a random traveling companion who listened to a story told out of boredom, a 'savior' who threw up problems. The car took off, and common sense remained at the entrance to wave a pen. Nikolai drove onto the highway, accelerated and turned on the radio in the hope of hearing Rina's voice. But there was some rubbish coming from all the channels. And when the famous song of his favorite rock band caused irritation instead of joy, Nikolai realized that his soul was now one huge sore point.

The road still calmed down the storm pushing for rash actions a little. Therefore, Nikolai was able to tell Volkovs everything calmly. He was never interrupted. Only Violet kept casting frightened glances at him and her husband. And Vsevolod's eyes, instead of a warm honey shade, took on a cold green: anger was also bubbling in the soul of Rina's friend.

"And warn your friends. Be careful. Lebedev is quick to punish," Nikolai finished the story. Violet looked at him again, but this time there was determination in her gaze. She was about to say something, but she was distracted by the sound of the door opening slightly. A moment later, two wolf-like puppies ran into the room. And after them, two red-haired girls in pajamas burst into the room screaming.

"Marfa! Marta!" Vsevolod called out to his daughters. "Shouldn't you be in bed by now?"

"We're in bed! But they don't. They don't listen!" one of the girls responded and pointed to the puppies running around the table. "Dad, what naughty children! Marta and I aren't like that!"

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