The water

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The water was bright blue, still, and calming. I had gotten my surface license a year ago so now I could go up whenever I wanted. The water was filled with activity below but no one was above. It was the perfect time to visit. So I swam up to the surface. When I broke through the first thing I did was look around to make sure there were no humans, even though I wasn't close to shore. Luckily there were no humans and all I could see was miles upon miles of water.

I swam around in the water with my light brown hair floating behind me. My gray tail swishing back and forth propelled me forward. I smile, showing my sharp teeth and loving the feel of the water. I soon stopped to take a rest. I found a rock near some coral to sit on. I swam over to the rock and looked around, no Mers in sight. I then spotted a fish, a salmon, my favorite. Once I saw it I narrowed my deep brown eyes at it. I waited for the perfect moment to strike. Then the opportunity revealed itself, and I got it. It was dead already due to my teeth, so I took it out of my mouth with my webbed fingers and ate it.

I had finished in no time. But I was still hungry so I started looking for another one. Before I could I got scooped up by a net, and not by accident as I was getting pulled out of the water, the beautiful, warm water. When I was fully out of the water they looked over and observed me. But I don't think it was pure curiosity because they had an evil look; they were smirking and they didn't seem shocked in the slightest. I, of course, was struggling to get out, though even trying my hardest I couldn't get free.

The humans were talking to each other and though I couldn't understand them, I knew it was something bad from their facial expressions. After they were done speaking, and I was still trying to get out, they lowered me onto the deck shouting to each other. When they were done one of them grabbed something. I didn't know what it was but it seemed heavy. After I had made that observation, he walked up to me. I then felt a sharp pain on my head and everything went black.

When I woke up I didn't know how long it had been. At first everything was a little fuzzy, but I could make out silhouettes. After a little I could make out that they were humans, but I didn't know who they were for a few minutes. Then I started to remember what happened. These men had taken me from my home. Though I didn't recognize some of them. The ones who captured me seemed to be getting something green and flat from the other ones. That was when I realized I was in a glass of some sort. The water was clearly from the ocean. I could tell by the salt. Once they were done with the exchange the humans I knew left and the others looked at me and again I was hit on the head with something heavy.

When I woke up again I felt disoriented and I had a sharp pain in my head. There were two, overlapping but not in the exact same place. The next thing I noticed was how hard to breathe it was. It wasn't like the salt water I was used to, and it wasn't fresh water either, I knew that. The water was suffocating, I couldn't bear it. I started pushing on the lid above the glass; when I pushed it off I halfway got out of the water. Even though mermaid's aren't made for air we are able to breathe it luckily. The air was more refreshing after having breathed that awful water. That's when the people I saw before came in. They wore white coats and talked in the same language as the others. There were only two of them but I saw others behind the doors.

Then they walked up to me. Seeing me awake and having pushed the top off, they backed away. I didn't trust humans because I grew up hearing bad stories about them. So I bared my teeth at them and lifted my hands pointing my claws at them. They looked scared and stepped around the container far enough away so that I couldn't reach them. They walked over to some technological stuff and started typing. They didn't look back at me for a while so I moved around some to get comfortable and got used to the stinging water. I still refused to breathe it though because it stung my gills and lungs. Once they were done with whatever they were doing they turned around without looking at me and left.

"The Water" A mermaid storyWhere stories live. Discover now