Chapter 4

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Semestral break and everyone has been starting to take that change in their life (puberty) and all their needs and wants in life has been growing to such a degree that they spent a week away from friends to change their appearance completely, Raven got a head start with his appearance since he has been gone for 2 days, but his story will come later

Chung spent his 2 weeks studying science, his curiousity started to get to him, watching videos on the internet, Chung had to contact his former mentor on science during home school grade school, she is a young prodigy who is very good at what she is doing, though she is still learning, she knows so much, Chung had her come over so that they can talk and so that Chung can learn more. Hours later Echo arrived to Chung's doorstep.

Chung opened it himself, and Echo saw the grown boy that she taught many years ago, she was surprised but she was happy that he was growing to be the boy that she taught

"Echo!" Chung said happy hugging her small petite body

Echo had a lollipop in her face, Chung released her but still holding her by the shoulder "Still into sweets eh?"

Echo looked at him "Hello, Chung" she said, actually she was looking up, Chung was taller than her unlike before "Im glad you're growing, unlike me, its been years and Im still small"

"Don't be, you are good just the way you are" Chung said, "Please, come in, we have much to talk about" Chung said opening the door

"Thanks, Im glad you are taking interest in what I taught you, so what particularly do you want me to teach you again?" Echo asked as she went in Chung's home.

"Its not something you taught me, Im sorry about that but I just wished you can teach me something new

"Like what?" Echo asked as they were travelling through the long corridor "Oh and where is Papa Helputt?" Echo asked, all those who are in associated to Chung's father can call him Papa Helputt

"Im all alone right now, he is in a meeting half across the country" Chung said

"Oh. Im so sorry" Echo said looking down still following Chung beside him

"Don't be, I get the place all to myself and its fun" Chung said

"I know you're lonely, its okay" Echo said

"Don't be! Anyway" they went up the stairs and they entered Chung's room, a ginormous room with a huge studying table a huge cabinet, a king size bed and a window that foresees the city and the mountain beyond that

"Nice room, Chung, just like before"

The room had a light blue wallpaper

"Hehe, well"

Chung talked to Echo for hours, and she has been giving Chung so many ideas that he decided to build himself a custom built alchemy lab, not based on any lab. At exactly 12 midnight, Echo said she had to go but Chung persisted she'd stay for the night and go by the morning

"Its okay, Chung, The night doesn't scare me" Echo said

"Are you really? Sure?" Chung asked worried

Echo nodded as she stood up and got her own things

"Well, let me escort you to the door" Chung said as he stood up, they both started to walk together.

"So Chung, why did you want to study hard this year?" Echo asked as they were going down the stairs

"Well, I just want to improve my grades and the problems in my school was mainly bullying so I could make ways to do something about it... to protect my friends" Chung said

"Ooh, that's interesting" Echo said "That's it?" Echo asked

"Well..." Chung said trying to hold back to tell the truth "Well..."

Echo stopped, went in front of him to halt his advance, crossed her arms on her chest and looked at him with a frown

"Well... there's this... person" Chung said stuttering

"And?" Echo said, Chung looked straight into her eyes, upset

"Echo, can we not?" Chung asked very upset, sweat going through his face

"No... we are not... not" Echo said still with that face

Chung walked around, stomping his feet on the ground, throwing his arms around, blushing and sweating

"Okay! Echo? Im gonna say this once only!" Chung said very quickly running on one breath hold "I met this girl, she is very beautiful, top 1 of the school and I have no chance on being with her, unless I get my grades up to her level" Chung said even quicker, the rest became a blur, only glimpses of whats supposed to be a word is heard, Echo started to talk to herself What? Who? Oh wait... no nevermind...

Oh god... I think I left candy on the table, ants might get it, oh no... maybe my candy machine was left plugged... my home could be destroyed... wait... who? Ah, nevermind, im just going to pretend to be upset and mad so that the situation wouldn't get so weird, oh. Is he done?

Chung stopped talking took a large breath and said "That's why you are here!"

Echo uncrossed her arms, she started to giggle and then she laugh, Chung blushed but undoubtedly he was doubting Echo's sanity maybe the candy is getting to her he thought

"You are so cute, Chung" Echo said slapping mid-air, she then went to his side and continued to walk

"Im guessing, you didn't get what I said, did you?" he asked, his heart still running

"Nope, only a few like... girl and candy and machine" Echo said

"Yeah that's nothing I just said..." and at that moment, Chung felt relieved and his heart stopped running, the sweat started to cool down, and he started to go with the flow again.

Atlast they reached the door, Chung opened it and to it was a full moon, an empty street, houses across has lights completely off, Chung said his farewell, he hugged Echo and thanked her one last time. Echo turned around and walked off, Chung just stayed there leaning on the door, watching Echo as she leaves just until she was out of his sight, only then he closed the door and turned off the lights.

And thus his week-long work begun. And he grew a few feet, right now he is taller than Elsword or Eve or Aisha.

Elsword: High school as it is.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن