Chapter 4

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Later on....

Marian: Hm....

Anis: Are you okay? You don't look so good. 

Marian: I don't know what it is....but I feel a bit....

Rapi: Let me do some maintenance. Take off your top. 

This surprised Marian and caused Flukey's cheeks to turn a small tint of red.

Marian: W-What? Right here? 

Anis: Is there a problem? 

Marian: What I mean is....the Commander is right there....

Anis: You don't actually think the Commander sees you that way, do you? Relax. To them, we're just mindless killing machines. The last thing they're thinking of when they see us is sex, trust me. Isn't that right Commander? 

Flukey: *Blushing* Uh......

Anis: Well well, so you DO see us that way! Interesting!

(I mean can you really blame the guy given how some of the Nikke's are dressed?)

This embarrassed Flukey more as he just stayed silent to not incriminate himself any further.

Marian: I'm fine. It's probably just a small malfunction due to these new surroundings. 

Rapi: Take it off.

Anis: Don't make such a fuss will you?

Marian: I-I said I'm okay!

Rapi: In the event of a malfunction, it is required that we conduct the necessary repairs. This isn't an option. 

Marian: I see....

Anis: Good. All right Commander. Please turn the other way. 

Flukey: Yup. No problem.

Flukey did as told and turned around without question. 

After Marian was checked out....

Rapi: Everything seems to be in order. 

Marian: I told you....

Rapi: Let's keep going.

Anis: Hey I saw that!"

Marian jumped and looked at Anis.

Anis: Just kidding. 

Marian: *Groans*

Flukey: *Blushing beet red* Can we please go......

After maintenance was done, the group continued onward to the rendezvous point. At this point, they were about halfway there and making good time as well as progress.

Just then, a static-like voice was heard that belonged to one of the Operators of the Ark....Shifty

Shifty: .....Do you.....copy?

Rapi: Hm?

Shifty: Ark Control to surface. Do you copy? Rapi? Anis?

Rapi: Communication. This is Rapi. Shifty, do you copy? 

Suddenly an image appeared out of nowhere in front of the group revealing Shifty.

Suddenly an image appeared out of nowhere in front of the group revealing Shifty

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Shifty: About time we got through! What's the situation on your end? 

Rapi: The new Commander has arrived. The operational coordinates have been confirmed and we're proceeding as planned. 

Shifty: Excellent. We had quite the scare back there when we lost contact with the transport ship. 

Anis: You took the transport ship straight into the middle of an enemy camp? What were you thinking? 

Shifty: What?

Anis: It's completely obliterated. With friends like you, who needs enemies?

Shifty: Raptures in that area have no anti-air weapons.

Anis: What?

Rapi: Shifty, can you send me the data for the transport ship's black box?

Shifty: Sure, once I'm done analyzing it. It won't take long. 

Rapi: Okay, thanks. 

Shifty: Just a sec. Well then. Hello there! I'm Shifty, an operator from the Ark Intelligence Department. I will be assisting you throughout the operation from here on out. Nice to be working with you.

Flukey: The feeling's mutual Shifty. 

Shifty: Yep. 

With introductions out of the way, Flukey and his Nikkes trekked onward. Given the pace they were going, it wouldn't be long before they reach the rendezvous point. 

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