407 days in the cretaceous- primeval

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407 days

in the


 Abby Sarah Maitland and 

Connor Jack Temple's 

diaries in the Cretaceous

This diary belongs to us and should not be read by anyone other than Connor or me (Abby). Not that it will be.  We lost the lock during a spinosaurus incident. 

' we kept each other alive, somehow'

Day 1

It's been a day since we last saw Danny and have seen at least 5 different creatures. Connor says they were tyrannosaurus, raptors and other of which I cant really remember the names of.  We went out searching for Danny today but all we found was some tin foil that Helen must of left behind. I'm now using it as a blanket, I hope we are not here for long as I miss Rex and everyone and I cant believe i'm saying this but I even miss Lester! Something must be wrong with me. I know Connor has taken all of this better than me and is in awe of all of it but all I can think about at the moment is getting home. Connor has just gone to go and get some water (as we found a stream of it whilst looking for Danny and we also found this book which looked new as it was clean, unripped and still had the price tag on so I think Helen was going to use it to write down her thoughts or something along those lines as she went and wiped out our entire existence) which he really shouldn't do because of his ankle. Because now his ankle is going to take about 2-3 weeks to mend now as he is putting too much weight on his ankle but he wont listen too me but he'll soon learn. I think he's worried that if he rests for just one minute then he could miss an anomaly but I don’t know what he would do If he saw one now whilst he is out for the water, but I bet all around the Cretaceous anomalies are opening and closing and we wouldn’t know anything about it, anyway I must go Connor's coming back ( very slowly I might add) and I want to save this paper to record the stuff that happens to us here and i'm sure Connor will to (also I have a feeling we wont be going back home soon (unfortunately))


P.s if anyone sees Jack before me then (this includes you too Connor) please tell him I will always love him no matter what happens.

Day 7

Hello, Connor here, wow, um still cant believe i'm actually here in the Cretaceous its amazing! But I know just by looking at Abby that she doesn’t feel the same as me about being in here, she wants to get back home and so do I.I reckon that Danny must of stopped Helen and is probably back home. Maybe he's out there looking for us now, maybe no, no I wont write that too sad. Abby has been moaning at me this morning about my ankle she says i'm putting too much pressure on it but I don’t think I do it doesn’t hurt ( that much).Last night when I was on watch duty ( we take turns to watch for creatures over the course of the day) I made something that will help detect anomalies and the metal stuff I used will rattle when one opens nearby. Because the an anomalies orbit is a strong magnetic field and attracts magnets I made four of them so they sort of corner us in a way. I think when an anomaly opens we will go through it no matter where it may lead. Abby shaved me this morning and I think she did it quite good, I mean sure I was scared at first but I full trust her even though there were a few close shaves ….(hahaha close shave). Its my birthday soon and also I think Jack's (Abby's brother) and I think she is hoping to get back in time for then, in the meantime I will try and make it up to her but I don’t know how though.


P.s I wonder if Danny had told Becker about chucking his favourite gun at a future predator providing he is back home. If he is then I would pay good money to see the look on Becker's face. I can just imagine it as well. I can also imagine a future predator with the gun to sort of Mafia style.

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