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How did I release 4 chapters in 4 days already 

Holy shit

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Gardenia was a small place at first. It was where Yggdrasil was, the tree that gave both positivity and negativity apples.

I never noticed Dream's manipulation until it was far  too late.

First, he spread little lies... Things he knew I wouldn't care about long-term, maybe spilling a drink or playing a trick on someone. Truth is he just wanted someone to pin the blame on.

As these lies spread and spread, so did my misery and anguish. We were split apart by nature, we were two opposing sides. So why were we even together in the first place?

I set a town on fire.

I stole someone's child.

I enslaved person after person to achieve my horrible acts of self entitlement.

Worst of all, my apples were a detriment to others' well-being.

I don't know how that last one got out of his filthy mouth.

He had lied far too much at this point, there was no return. I tried to protest, I tried to fight, but he pushed me away and so did anyone who even so much as knew me. I had things thrown at me in the streets, so I ran to the forest, but the humans hunted me down for things I didn't do.

And one day, I came to the tree. Suddenly, those black apples of mine became so... Tempting.

Just one bite.

I knew what they did. I knew how it did it. I just can't control myself, right? I can't do anything for myself?

Well, this is something I can do for myself, everyone. I hope you enjoy the spectacle.


It had been a few years now. It was always the same. Dream was the "valiant" hero, the scamps were left in the dust, and Nightmare, the big bad wolf, was always dealt with, always handled so easily. At least, until that fight.

Nightmare ducked down, ignoring the prism-blue arrow tossed at him from the streets.

"Oh. Dream. It's you."


"Let's just get this over with."

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