Chapter 9 - Resurgence

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It had been roughly 6 months since my return to the castle. I hadn't actually seen Izana for awhile now, since he was gone on business. But now, I needed to bother him with some troubling news. It was late, knowing the he would be asleep. I hoped he wouldn't be upset getting woken so early. "Lord Izana." I said while knocking. "Yes?" His voice heavy with sleep. I opened his door and stepped inside quickly closing the door behind.

"We have an issue concerning the Albrecht Family." I said their name coldly. Izana too, seems less than amused with this information. "One moment." I nodded "Your brother, and aides, are already waiting for you." I turned around and left his quarters, leaning on the wall outside until he stepped out. He was in somewhat formal wear, even though it was a bit on the casual side.

We made our way to the Royal Office, which was designated as Izana's. "What's the situation?" Izana scowled while taking a seat. "This just came in my Lord." I handed him a report that I had already scanned through with Zen. Izana took his time sifting through the document, his eyes trained on every word. He set down the report and interlaced his fingers over his mouth, contemplating what he just read. "So, they are making their move."

No one spoke, sitting in silence for a while. "What are your orders, Lord Brother." Zen finally spoke up, as Izana's gaze landed on Zen. "I have none, at this moment. This report is certainly not a good sign, but we must tread carefully here." His words held a certain power to them, even so, a tinge of anger was present. I picked up the report again and scanned through the pages, one by one, trying to find any sign of immediate action that needed to be taken. A sudden knock sounded on the door.

"Come in." Izana said with a commanding tone. "Excuse me sir, there is a letter for Lady Yuuki." The attendant handed me the letter to which I immediately recognized the wax seal on it. I growled and threw it on the desk with a loud thud as my hand smacked the desk. The sharp pain of flesh against wood stung a bit, but was nothing compared to the boiling of my blood. "It is an invitation to a ball hosted by none other than my dear uncle." My fists were now tiny balls of rage, ready to punch holes through anything at this point. Izana looked down at the invintation. The timing of this report can't be a coincidence. I thought silently. "You cannot decline this, it won't look good for anyone." Izana finally spoke, his brows furrowing in frustration. "You cannot come with me, my Lord. I can't risk your safety, especially with this conveniently timed report."

"I, unfortunatly, am going. I received a letter just yesterday requesting an audience with me. It just so happens the ball is also the same night and time at which he wants to talk." He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "What in the world is this man thinking." Izana's frustration was almost palpable. I spoke up, not wanting to delay the importance this information held. "Zen, go get Commander Shidnote." I looked at Zen, as this was now going to be a matter of safety more than anything else. They returned a few moments later, and we filled him in on the severity of the situation. He agreed that this was rather concerning. We discussed different security measures that would be put into place in order for both of us to attend, apart from the other two guests I would be allowed. On that particular subject, we decided that Obi and Kiki would attend with us, that way I could ensure my safety. Another notable thing that was discussed was that under no circumstances were we to eat or drink anything at the ball. 

We couldn't overlook the fact that the same family who is known to have a hand in my families death and my kidnapping, could not be trusted, even in the slightest. Too many variables were going to make this night rather unpleasant. Certain other plans were talked out to ensure the safety of everyone involved, such as a time limit to staying outside or conversating with large crowds. Backing ourselves up into a corner should only happen if the guards are posted around us giving us a clear line out of the home. Then there was the rule that under absolutly no circumstances, were I allowed to go anywhere alone.



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Report on the movements of Albrecht Family Head, Mannix. The same carriage coming from Bergatt household carrying a single servant has been going back and forth between houses. No noticable items are being brought in or out of either household. Same behavior for 3 weeks.

Carriage has stopped coming between the two houses. Mannix has been riding out to meet an unknown woman. Their talks consist of Lady Yuuki and how it was unfortunate that a man they called Rinto was killed. We believe this is the Shinto person that freed Lady Yuuki. They have had several talks about regretfully not killing the Lady ten years prior as she has been nothing but a pesterance to their plans. What those plans are, still unsure. Meetings like this continued for 2 weeks, once per week.

Unknown female has been identified as a person working within the Bergatt Household. Meets frequently with Touka Bergatt. Unknown at this time if this should be something of concern. Will include more details should it become pertinet.

2 Weeks have passed since my last writings for this report. Touka Bergatt is planning to *blood stains cover part of the report here, smearing the ink*  More talks of Lady Yuuki has started up again, this time regarding her be- *More stains smear the ink here*

It seems like things are moving faster than expected, I hope this report gets back to the castle. I am currently in hiding waiting for rescue. *blood stains cover the rest of the report*

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