Day 1: Teeth

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   It was a dull Monday morning. The clouds were gray, and so was the sky. Cassidy had found herself tossing and turning during the night, and she noticed that her clothes had left marks on her arms. As she examined her arm, she flipped over her wrist, only to see a bite mark. A human bite mark. At least that's what it appeared to be. Of course this brought her to some concern- who the hell bit in the middle of the night? Did they take anything? Are they still here? She asked her mother, and her father, and her older sister, and they all had the same unconcerned, unknowing response. So, she went to school like any other day, and when she came home, the mark was gone.

   The next morning, she woke up, checked her arms, and to her surprise, she had 2 additional bite marks. Her stomach dropped. She looked around in her room in a panic, needing to know what was going on. Without changing or brushing her hair, she ran to her sisters room. "Olivia, stop fucking with me, this isn't funny" said Cassidy as she pointed at her scarred arm. Olivia replied "What the hell are you talking about? This again, really? Quit yapping about this shit and get out." as she pushed her out the door. Cassidy trembled and her heart pounded. Her sister was messing with her. She had to be. She went to school, and when she came home, the marks were gone.

She woke up at around 2:00am in a cold sweat, and looked around her dark, sunless room. This time, she didn't need to check her arms, they we're aching in pain, and completely covered in bloody, bite shaped wounds. She knew something was wrong, as it was silent, until it wasn't. She heard the edge of the bed creaking, and it got louder and louder. Slowly, the head of a little girl rose to look at her. Her eyes were almost completely black, and she had short black hair. She looked familiar to Cassidy, she'd seen her somewhere before. She tried to move, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't. The little girl had one most noticeable feature, her teeth. They were perfectly straight, and they were not yellow, but gray. She had a wide, gummy smile, that was almost uncanny. Cassidy couldn't do anything but watch, and the girl simply watched her back. Eventually, the girls teeth started falling out of her mouth, and all they turned black after they went.  As the teeth left her mouth, she started changing. She grew taller, skinnier, and older. Her hair didn't fall out, but instead looked like it was growing inwards. This little girl had turned into a 7 foot, toothless, black eyed monster, and it was crawling towards Cassidy. There was nothing she could do.

   It was the morning. Cassidy's mother was in the kitchen making breakfast, and turned around to see her daughter, smiling at her with pearly white teeth, and a gummy grin.

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