Day 4: Mutation

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   I don't know what the hell was going through my right mind when I agreed to go with them. Boredom? Curiosity? A lust for adventure. It doesn't matter, it can't undo what I've become.

   I used to be beautiful. I used to be loved. I was happy and healthy, and now I was  stuck rotting in this hospital. They couldn't keep me here forever though, I'd get out some day. Even if it meant my death.

   When my mother saw me for the first time, she screamed. She yelped a blood curdling scream. My father muttered something along the lines of "Oh my god..". Everyone else just covered their mouths in shock, any other reaction was not of my concern. I didn't care about them. Well except for him. God, his face when he saw me. He didn't even look scared for me, he looked scared.. for himself. He ran away, and I never saw him again.

   It turned me into a monster. Not the cool, crime fighting kind, either. I'm disgusting. I'm horrifyingly gut-wrenching. Apparently I can't be around people anyways, as the radiation is dangerous to them. And to that I say fuck them. Why was I the only one out of the 7 who had this happen? They deserve it.

   Ah! I finally made it! There's Avery, my very best friend, the girl who convinced me to go with her!

   I slipped in through the back door, and caught her off guard. The screams that left her throat were glass breaking. They told me I was a monster. They said I was disgusting, sickening. So I'll play along with what little time I have left. I'll be the monster.

   5 more to go.


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