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Starla's POV

It has now been 2 weeks since Gary has been home. He hasn't called or texted. I haven't called or texted him either. There's no point in trying to force a man to love me or want to be around me. If he wanted to, then he would. That's the way I see it now.

Romeo and I have been working on things and truthfully, I'm in a great space with him. Sometimes it takes a major falling out in relationships to see where the heart lies.

It sucks and can be emotionally damaging, but if we would have never gotten into it, then he and I would have never grown closer than ever before.

"Mmmmm what's wrong baby? What are you doing up?" He asked.

"Thinking." I said.


"I believe I want a divorce from Gary. A full divorce, as in pack his shit and get out, or we find us another place."

"Is that what you really want?" Romeo asked as he began to gently massage my arms.

"About 95% of me says I do. I thought about getting another girlfriend, but I don't want that. I rather have two husbands and then close the union. I mean if you want another girlfriend..."

"I don't. If you want another husband, then we can search for one. It's completely up to you."

"Why are you so understanding?" I asked.

"Because I knew what it was from the jump. I mentioned poly to you. I love you and will forever choose you."

Our phones both went off indicating that we had a text message.

It was Gary texting in the group chat. He said he was on his way to the house and needed to talk to us.

Romeo and I got out of bed, washed our faces and brushed our teeth. I threw on an oversized tshirt, shorts and socks.

Soon as I made it downstairs Gary was walking in. I sat down on the couch. Romeo came down shortly after.

"I know it's early, but I wanted to go ahead and talk to you all. I know I've fucked up. I didn't communicate with you all. I'm sorry for that. I've decided I'm not leaving her. I want to be with her. But, I'm not including the relationship I have with her, within our union. The relationship is completely separate."

"Why can't you just include her so that we can all be together?" I asked. "I feel it would make more sense, and it will also limit drama and arguments. Don't you think? I mean think about our collective agreement that we all made."

"It's deeper than that now." Gary answered.

"Now? What do you mean?" I asked.

Gary dropped his head. "She's pregnant."

"WHAT!" I yelled. "You're lying right now."

"Bro come on man. What the hell?" Romeo said.

"I know, I know. I've been so caught up in the moment and wasn't thinking clearly. She's pregnant and I want to be with her. I've always said I wanted a family. Don't get me wrong, the three of us are a family, but I wanted a child as well."

"When I asked you a few months ago, you said the timing wasn't right. You asked me to get on birth control so that I wouldn't end up pregnant. But yet you got another girl pregnant? That doesn't make sense."

"Bro, you just keep fucking up. I'm the one that's been here picking up the pieces. I'm the one that's been holding Starla at night when she's crying. I'm the one that's been giving her my attention even when I'm upset. I'm the one here filling in the void that you are fucking up. Me. I'm the fuckin one. You ain't shit my nigga. I swear you ain't."

"Who you talking to?" Gary asked as he stood up.

"Motherfucker, I'm talking to your bitch ass." Romeo said as he stood up. "Trust me my boy, this ain't what you want."

Romeo is typically respectful and romantic. Seeing this down south hood side of him is different and is definitely turning me on. As much as I wanted to hear his strong accent some more, I knew I needed to go ahead and stop it.

I stood in between them. I looked at Romeo. "He's not worth it baby. He's not worth it." I then turned to Gary. "I want a divorce."

"Wait... what? Nah, you're tripping now. You're not divorcing me, and I mean that." Gary said as he forcefully grabbed me by my arm.

Romeo moved me out the way and punched Gary, causing him to fall. "Bitch, if you ever put your hands on her again, you better hope and pray your new bitch knows how to plan a funeral. Now get the fuck out." Romeo spat.

"I'm staying here. This is my house. Both of you need to pack your shit and get out. You want a divorce bitch, you can have it. Fuck you and Romeo. I want you both out in 14 days. That's it."

"We can be out in 13 my nigga. You a bitch ass nigga. Fuck you." Romeo said. "Punk bitch."

I stood in silence as I watched Gary walk out of the house.

Romeo held me and didn't say a word.

"I have a confession."

"Baby I am sorry you had to see that side of me. I didn't intend on it getting that far, but baby he put his hands on you and disrespected you. I can't have that."

"Thank you for protecting me baby."

"I will always protect you no matter what."

"But I have a confession, a real serious confession and I hope you don't get upset with me. My first confession is, seeing that side of you turned me on." I laughed.

"Really? Damn." He laughed. "Unfortunately, that's not a side of me that I want you to see unless necessary."

"I understand. But one more confession."

"What's wrong baby?" Romeo asked as he looked into my eyes.

"I may have skipped a pill or two accidentally."

"What you mean? What pill?" Romeo asked. "Like your medication?"

"Baby, I'm pregnant." I said while cutting to the chase. Knowing Romeo, he would have had 21 questions to ask if I didn't just spill the news.

"Wait...wait...wait...." Romeo said. "How far are you?"

"I just found out this morning. That's the real reason I was up this early. I just didn't know when or how I was going to tell you. Although we had a weird morning, I wanted to go ahead and tell you."

"You haven't had sex with Gary in a while, if it was his you would be showing by now. Soooo.... you're having my baby?"

I shook my head yes.

He picked me up. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love you."

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