introduction 😉

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Hey, my name is shea o'dannahuo and I'm a, well I don't really know. But what I do know is that I'm basically the monster version of catnip as in I attract monsters like catnip attracts cats.

An you know what it's annoying an sometimes scary. As no one wants to be followed to college by a wendigo like a stray dog following scraps.

Or by dumb football players who have no clue about what an gods green earth is making that sweet smell.
There is something I want to find though my soulmates. Not everyone meets there's so I can only hope to meet them soon.

Yo I'm Ryde Blake I'm a witch although some would call me a wizard because I'm a guy.

I really can't complain enough about how dull college is. Although there is something that's been bothering me as of late.

There's been this guy I've found myself strangely drawn to. When ever he's around this sweet smell fills the air, an it's not just me who's noticed it ever most of the supernatural beings there have noticed it too.

There's something or rather a few people I'de like to find, my soulmates

Okay let's make this quick I don't have all day.
My name is Marcus Smith an I'm a vampire. I'm new to this surprisingly large college in a small no name town in North America so it gets pretty cold very often.

There are two guys that have grabbed my attention one is a short dude who's name I don't know an a tall-ish guy named Ryde.

For some reason the smaller of the two always tries to avoid large crouds an being around people for too long. Plus he always smells so sweet for no reason.

An I believe these two could be my soulmates. An I hope I'm right.

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