reading time with kb

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Yoojung was fast asleep on the floor, his blond hair being played with by a little kb.

Junji walks into the room and sees kb playing with his hair.

He gently picks him up.

"Let's let Hyung sleep, okay?"

kb looks at Junji, nodding quietly.

He starts playing with Junji's long hair.

Junji takes him to the other side of the living room and gently sets him down.

"Oww hair, owww hair!! Kyubin!"

kb lets go and gets set down by blocks and by mill who was reading a book.

kb scoots over to mill and sits on his feets.

Junji picks up kb and sets him on a rug, giving him his blocks.

kb goes back to mill and climbs onto the bean bag with him.

Mill looks at kb.

"Aww a little cutie has decided to snuggle with me."

kb makes little sweater paws and snuggles up to mill.

batting at the handmade book like a kitten.

Mill starts reading the book, as kb was blinking sleepily.

"Once there was a little guy, named.... kb.
he went on fun adventures with his little friends.
they found cookies!
kb being a good little guy gave each of his friends 1 cookie.
As there wasn't enough for everyone to have one.
Did little kb, let that bother him?"
He was happy his friends got to eat a yummy cookie.

Mill noticed kb had fallen asleep, and was hugging him.

Mill yawned, and took off his glasses, putting them on the coffee table.

He closes the book and lays it on the coffee table.

he shifts his position and falls asleep.

kb 's cheek was cutely squished against mill's chest.

Yoojung stretches and gets up, looking for who was pulling on his hair, he went into Nine's room.

"Were you playing with my hair???"

Nine shook his head.


Yoojung went to go ask mill when he saw the most adorable sight.

the youngest member snuggled up to his hyung.

Yoojung took a picture.

It was so precious.

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